I am so proud and excited with all of the positive attention that Kristaleta is getting on eBay! I've gotten so many comments and emails regarding her~it's simply thrilling and has me hanging on cloud 9!
~Kristaleta's Auction~
Laura Tuzio Ross tells me that the kits should arrive to her on Tuesday~how exciting for the reborn artist!! Many of you will want to get an armature for her so that she stands and moves better. Again, it's the 27-28" armature from Kemper Dolls:
~Kemper Dolls Armatures~
I have taken pictures while I put her together and I will post a tutorial next week in time for the kits to arrive to artists. (I am seriously too tired to do it today and I have other pressures but I promise it will go up~and some time I will put up the post about dying mohair that I said I would do weeks ago!! I didn't forget, there are just too many other things going on)
Alright~have a fabulous Friday! It's raining here again. It does not do that much in my part of the state but it's been doing it all spring this year.
She is darling and the armature really sets her apart!!