Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Back in the saddle

Or rather in the nursery! I've been slacking but I am back in gear again!

I did a lot of prep work last week, including sanding 3 heads. That took an entire day. And I realized the limbs were wrong on one custom order kit and that the legs another custom order doll were not going to work as they are Secrist limbs~the oily ones. One can overcome the oily thing with Genesis Matte Varnish but my custom order customer hates the GMV. So I've ordered all appropriate limbs for these two customs and they are on the way here.

Yesterday, I began the painting on Prototype Noah. He will be different than the other two out there :)

Two of the glass pots arrived yesterday! YIPPPEEEEEE! They are all cleaned now and ready to go to work, but I don't have any mohair ready to work up. :(

Last night I rooted on Angelica. Yes, she is still here! And hairless~well, almost. I am using a combination of angora mohair and human hair and am loving the results.

Today I will continue the work on Noah. And play with my horses from 6:30-8. Today will be the first "hot" day of our summer. It will be about 75 so this evening will be perfect for a little training on Ruger~the 2 year old who keep my feet moving during Saturday's event. He was high strung that day!

Have a great Tuesday!

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