I do love dressing up my doll babies and meeting the trick or treaters at the door. The kids love it too and wonder just "who" will greet them each year!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
I am not into Halloween but....
I do love dressing up my doll babies and meeting the trick or treaters at the door. The kids love it too and wonder just "who" will greet them each year!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Friday Funnies! Jeremy goes to the lake hiking~
Hewwo Everyone! My name is Jeremy and I.....am....just a doll. I am a reborn doll so I am lifelike, none-the-less though, I am still...just a doll. But! I get to do all kinds of cool things! Today, I went for a nature hike. Here I am in the back of my Uncle's pickup truck.
Oh boy! I am here! Look at this cool thing I found on the ground. Auntie Debbie, what is it?? ("It's a pine cone Jeremy. You will see lot's of those when you go home to your mommy")
She told me that for hiking, one needs a good walking stick, a sturdy pair of shoes, a hat to keep the sun from your eyes and a trusty backpack to carry your snack.
Oh there is a beautiful lake here! This is my Auntie's favorite place on earth. I am gonna sit by the water and enjoy it. I think my backpacks tail will keep me from falling in. See! It's a real trusty backpack!
All this running and jumping and climbing is making me tired. I think I will ride in the stroller for a bit.
Are you enjoying my nature hike wif me? Member I said I was lifelike? Well, the critters of the forest thinks I am! This mosquito was determined to draw blood from me! Auntie Debbie...pweeze get the mosquito off me!
And there are these other little bugs that are bugging me. Whaaaaaa! Gosh it is rough being a life-like doll!
Oh boy! Snack time! I sure worked up an appetite! Thank you Auntie Debbie for putting my long sleeve shirt on to help keep the bugs off me!
I have had a bath! I don't think any bugs will bother me now! I am squeeky clean and no longer smell like a boy!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Biracial Vienna progress, Megan rooted
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
~2009 Colliii Awards Announcement~
Whew! I thought I would just die waiting for the results of the 2009 Colliii awards! They were due out yesterday but actually were announced today, October 28th.
Ari, my reborn toddler, did not win an award but I am simply honored to have been nominated by the public and I will be entering again next year. It has been a thrill!
Congratulations to this years winners of all categories!
~See the awards here~
***********Nursery Notes**************
I am still working hard on the AA black baby and bi-racial babies. The AA has proven to be quite a challenge as I work towards a very dark tone with very dark "points". In Orlando 2 years ago, a very sweet black lady gave me guidance in creating a black baby with "points". I have been wanting to brave this project for quite a long time now and I hope I do her proud!
Still working on Megan's hair. I have all of the back and one side yet to do.
Enjoy your Wednesday!
Ari, my reborn toddler, did not win an award but I am simply honored to have been nominated by the public and I will be entering again next year. It has been a thrill!
Congratulations to this years winners of all categories!
~See the awards here~
***********Nursery Notes**************
I am still working hard on the AA black baby and bi-racial babies. The AA has proven to be quite a challenge as I work towards a very dark tone with very dark "points". In Orlando 2 years ago, a very sweet black lady gave me guidance in creating a black baby with "points". I have been wanting to brave this project for quite a long time now and I hope I do her proud!
Still working on Megan's hair. I have all of the back and one side yet to do.
Enjoy your Wednesday!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Figured out the problem with the swirl crown!
If you remember the reborn questionnaire from the other day, the thing I listed that I would like to learn/know how to do is the swirl crown. I struggle with that sooooo much!
Well, last night I was working on Megan's swirl crown and popped on ebay to get some looking help. Guess what? The problem is that I am left handed and I root that swirl upside down! That is why it never looks like Ella's of Cornish Pixie and other great crown rooters! I will have to work this one through on the next doll. Huh~interesting huh?
Well, last night I was working on Megan's swirl crown and popped on ebay to get some looking help. Guess what? The problem is that I am left handed and I root that swirl upside down! That is why it never looks like Ella's of Cornish Pixie and other great crown rooters! I will have to work this one through on the next doll. Huh~interesting huh?
Monday, October 26, 2009
Fall Mohair & Colliii awards update
Hi everyone! It's good to be back to work however, I would not trade the time I had with my family (grandchildren!!!) for anything in the world! I had a really good time visiting and playing with my sweet ones.
I have been to the Angora goat farm for the fall shearing and have come home with 6 pounds of gorgeous first clip kid hair: 3 pounds are wavy to curly and 3 pounds are straight to wavy. I have 3 pounds of "Lucy" adult hair which is always gorgeous and great for toddlers (but it's not real long this time). Lucy's hair is straight to large waves. And 2 pounds of "Glory" hair~oh my! Glory did us proud! Glory's hair is pretty short but perfect for the "root to tip" person. Glory's hair is wavy to curly and is her 1st clip as a yearling goat. Her first clip as a kid was pretty straight! She is opposite of most goats.
After I get my sorts together I will try to get some of each of the hair processed and available for sale.
Colliii awards update:
Wow! Waiting for the results of the 2009 Colliii awards has been tough! The date for release of the 2009 winners has been bounced around with the last date being the 22nd of October! The new date is now tomorrow, October 27! Soooo exciting!
Enjoy your Monday everyone!
I have been to the Angora goat farm for the fall shearing and have come home with 6 pounds of gorgeous first clip kid hair: 3 pounds are wavy to curly and 3 pounds are straight to wavy. I have 3 pounds of "Lucy" adult hair which is always gorgeous and great for toddlers (but it's not real long this time). Lucy's hair is straight to large waves. And 2 pounds of "Glory" hair~oh my! Glory did us proud! Glory's hair is pretty short but perfect for the "root to tip" person. Glory's hair is wavy to curly and is her 1st clip as a yearling goat. Her first clip as a kid was pretty straight! She is opposite of most goats.
After I get my sorts together I will try to get some of each of the hair processed and available for sale.
Colliii awards update:
Wow! Waiting for the results of the 2009 Colliii awards has been tough! The date for release of the 2009 winners has been bounced around with the last date being the 22nd of October! The new date is now tomorrow, October 27! Soooo exciting!
Enjoy your Monday everyone!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Friday Funnies~On Thursday??
*******Everyone Loves a Cheerful Helper*******
Well, what a beautiful Fall day in Eastern Oregon! The nights are very cool now so it is time to clip off all the flowers and put everything away for the winter.
I am such a lucky Mommy....look at my cheerful helpers!
Janae will help with the potted flowers...
I just love my happy fall helpers!
And I love my family too! I am off to go a-visiting! I am very excited as I will be seeing my 2 grand daughters, my kids, my mom and some nieces and nephews. I will be out of the nursery from today through Sunday so I left my little story for you to enjoy today :)
Nursery Notes:
The Colliii awards winning announcements are due out any time now! The suspense is so intense! I can't wait to see who has won this elite award!
On my way home on Sunday, I will be making a little stop at the Angora goat farm! Yes, the fall shearing is complete and it's time to make my selection of hair. I love going to the goat farm!
Our schedule has changed for the fall/winter months. My husband and I will now work 5 eight hour days instead of 4 ten hour days. That means I will have to be quick to get going in the mornings to allow adequate time to paint in the day. I'll have to get off this computer a bit sooner now! The good news is is that dinner will be earlier now providing more time in the evenings for rooting.
Megan has about 1/4 of her hair. Oh it's lovely soft hair! It looks just like baby hair. I will take her with me and work on her while visiting with family.
Alright until Monday~
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Reborn Questionnaire
There is not much to report today so I thought I would finally get around to the fun questionnaire that Brooke Nicole posted on her blog. Brooke and a friend thought this would be fun to pass around so go ahead all you bloggers~copy and paste to your blog and answer away~FUN!
What is your name? Debbie Henshaw
What is your nursery name? They Never Grow Up Nursery
How long have you been making reborns? Since 2005
What is your favorite reborning activity? Dressing the finished "baby" oh and of course shopping!
What is your least favorite reborning activity? Coating the kit with Matte Varnish.
What is your highest sale to date? $1,275 in June 2009
What is your lowest sale to date? $87.50~my first baby back in 2005. She went to Canada. It's been all uphill since then :) I remember being SO tickled at that sale!
What 3 products can you not live without? Vinyl gloves, raw mohair from one little farm in Oregon, makeup wedges.
What 3 products would you never buy again? Berry Makers, Ritz dye, sand.
What is your favorite reborn kit to date? Vanessa by Adrie.
Which kit did not turn out the way you hoped? Barry by Adrie, Arianna by Reva (the Latino colored one that I made)
If you could master a new reborning skill, what would it be and why? The swirl crown! Ugh.
Happy Wednesday!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Little bits of time makes for little babies!
As I said yesterday, sometimes I have small amounts of time where I can get small things done whereas there is not enough time to work on a larger project. The AA crib caps are put together and the little 8" Latino Berenguer is done!
And here is the little 8" all vinyl Berenguer Lot's to Love baby. She is now Latino and oh so cute!
No name for her yet either.
I even had enough time yesterday to try a new outfit on my little Angie. The outfit came in the mail and is just SO cute! It fits Angie just right too. I did not order it for her but it might stay with her! ***UPDATE*** It IS staying with her and I also ordered a set for her brother! Just LOVE it!
Today I will continue painting the AA and Bi-racial babies. This is going to be a long process! I have decided who will be AA and who will be BR though. The AA is going to be the Cora sculpt by Adrie and will be a boy. The BR is Vienna by Andrea Arcello and she will be all girl.
I hope your day will be wonderful!
These two are 11" Berenguer dolls-reborned (now 12"). This particular sculpt was already AA with coarse, grooved hair. It is very difficult to sand these little heads~well, dangerous actually with the power tools I use so I chose to leave the grooves on. It really has a nice effect under the sparsely rooted hair.
She is sweet and sleeping~a real cuddle bug!
I don't recommend reborning already AA babies~it's very difficult to get the correct color~especially in the hands and feet. But overall, they are very nice little babies.
She is sweet and sleeping~a real cuddle bug!
I don't recommend reborning already AA babies~it's very difficult to get the correct color~especially in the hands and feet. But overall, they are very nice little babies.
And here is the little 8" all vinyl Berenguer Lot's to Love baby. She is now Latino and oh so cute!
No name for her yet either.
I even had enough time yesterday to try a new outfit on my little Angie. The outfit came in the mail and is just SO cute! It fits Angie just right too. I did not order it for her but it might stay with her! ***UPDATE*** It IS staying with her and I also ordered a set for her brother! Just LOVE it!
Today I will continue painting the AA and Bi-racial babies. This is going to be a long process! I have decided who will be AA and who will be BR though. The AA is going to be the Cora sculpt by Adrie and will be a boy. The BR is Vienna by Andrea Arcello and she will be all girl.
I hope your day will be wonderful!
Monday, October 19, 2009
~Makin' Babies~
I told one of my girlfriends recently that I would just be working on ONE baby at a time...HA! We both should have known better!
Sometimes there are lingering projects and little things that can be done in a little spot of time that was leftover for the day~too much time to not do anything and not enough time to do something big.
Well, that is how it has been around here lately! I had twin AA crib cap babies hanging out that had been painted LAST fall~so I decided to spend my evenings rooting them. They are done with all details but they need to be assembled.
Then there was the Latino Arianna fiasco where I ended up painting an 8" Berenguer to prove to myself that the coloring problem was not the paint or the artist. (It wasn't) So then I thought, "Hmmm...it won't take long to root her and get her done." WRONG! 6+ hours later, she has hair. Now she needs lashes and her little head put on but oh my is she ever cute!
While I was taking that "little bit of time" to root the 8", little Miss Megan has been waiting patiently for hair.
A while back I did a custom 5" Berenguer. Well, if you are going to prep one of those little ones, you might as well prep a few~so I did. This set of twins have been moved here an there as new kits come in so I did a little bit of painting on them to help get them out of the way, but for now, they are kind of laying low waiting for more paint. I will get them done sometime soon though...in the next three weeks anyway. I love those little ones~they are just so adorable, fun and great for the holiday season.
All these little ones will be all I have to offer for this holiday season: A set of AA crib caps, the 8" and the twin 5"~all Berenguers.
And yesterday, I started the paint on an AA baby and a bi-racial baby. I am not certain which kit will be the AA and which the bi-racial~that is why I chose to work on them together. I can change up the paints a little bit while I work letting each of them take on their own look as I create. There is no hurry on these babies as they are for IDEX. If I were trying to get them done for eBay I would not opt to paint them at the same time as that impending "want to get them on eBay" would hang over my head causing too much pressure. As it is, I am relaxed and having a great time creating!
Custom order kits and deposits are arriving for the spring and summer custom order list. I have updated the list for all of those customers. Thanks so much for your orders!
Guess that is it for the nursery notes for today. Fall is in the air and I just love the relaxed season it brings. Enjoy!
Sometimes there are lingering projects and little things that can be done in a little spot of time that was leftover for the day~too much time to not do anything and not enough time to do something big.
Well, that is how it has been around here lately! I had twin AA crib cap babies hanging out that had been painted LAST fall~so I decided to spend my evenings rooting them. They are done with all details but they need to be assembled.
Then there was the Latino Arianna fiasco where I ended up painting an 8" Berenguer to prove to myself that the coloring problem was not the paint or the artist. (It wasn't) So then I thought, "Hmmm...it won't take long to root her and get her done." WRONG! 6+ hours later, she has hair. Now she needs lashes and her little head put on but oh my is she ever cute!
While I was taking that "little bit of time" to root the 8", little Miss Megan has been waiting patiently for hair.
A while back I did a custom 5" Berenguer. Well, if you are going to prep one of those little ones, you might as well prep a few~so I did. This set of twins have been moved here an there as new kits come in so I did a little bit of painting on them to help get them out of the way, but for now, they are kind of laying low waiting for more paint. I will get them done sometime soon though...in the next three weeks anyway. I love those little ones~they are just so adorable, fun and great for the holiday season.
All these little ones will be all I have to offer for this holiday season: A set of AA crib caps, the 8" and the twin 5"~all Berenguers.
And yesterday, I started the paint on an AA baby and a bi-racial baby. I am not certain which kit will be the AA and which the bi-racial~that is why I chose to work on them together. I can change up the paints a little bit while I work letting each of them take on their own look as I create. There is no hurry on these babies as they are for IDEX. If I were trying to get them done for eBay I would not opt to paint them at the same time as that impending "want to get them on eBay" would hang over my head causing too much pressure. As it is, I am relaxed and having a great time creating!
Custom order kits and deposits are arriving for the spring and summer custom order list. I have updated the list for all of those customers. Thanks so much for your orders!
Guess that is it for the nursery notes for today. Fall is in the air and I just love the relaxed season it brings. Enjoy!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Custom Order List Status
2010 Custom Order List
Customer ID Sculpt Status
#1: MB Portland OR Arianna PAID/Secure ETOD: Mid March 2010
#2: LL Portland OR Aubree, Kit provided/PAID~SECURE ETOD: Late March 2010
#3: SS WA State “Lillian”/Jena, kit purchased/PAID/SECURE ETOD: Mid April 2010
#4 SG Arianna Caucasian Deposit made, kit ordered
#5 AR Canada Berenguer PAID ETOD: 2009 or Mid April 2010 (special case)
#6 MM S California “Isa”, deposit credit on file, kit pre-oredered
#7 RM Nampa ID Berenguer, doll provided
#8 SB Tuscon AZ undetermined kit, deposit credit on file
#9 BN The Dalles OR Nicky, Kit provided
My little cowboy turned into a.......
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Winters Whimsies "Sweet Stuff"!
I am VERY excited and honored to announce that I will be doing the prototype for Marita Winters new kit, "Sweet Stuff" in late November. This sweet baby had been sent to the mold makers for production into vinyl...the excited waiting has begun!
Click here to order this adorable kit!
Marita is one of my favorite artists and I am thrilled that she has decided to produce one of her adorable babies into vinyl. Thank you Marita for sharing your gifts with the Reborn Community! ((((((HUGS))))))
Click here to order this adorable kit!
Marita is one of my favorite artists and I am thrilled that she has decided to produce one of her adorable babies into vinyl. Thank you Marita for sharing your gifts with the Reborn Community! ((((((HUGS))))))
Friday, October 16, 2009
They got up and walked! Friday Funnies!
Prelude: My husband sometimes worries that if I die before him, that the babies would get up in the night and walk around so they will all have to find new homes soon after my death. Well, I don't know about them walking in the night but today...I found them all over!
Nablina April says: ~sigh~ We always have to stay in the nursery cause Mommy says that Daddy's dogs make the house too dirty for us kids to play in the house. And it is scary in here sometimes! I mean, there are baby body parts all over the place in here!
What Mommy? You said you cleaned the house so we can come out and play for a while???? YIPEEEEE!
Nablina April says: ~sigh~ We always have to stay in the nursery cause Mommy says that Daddy's dogs make the house too dirty for us kids to play in the house. And it is scary in here sometimes! I mean, there are baby body parts all over the place in here!
What Mommy? You said you cleaned the house so we can come out and play for a while???? YIPEEEEE!
Mommy's thoughts: Wow...I did not know that I would find them EVERYWHERE!
I found Janae and Brooke into the dishes in the kitchen...
Then Janae went to visit Jamie who never goes into the nursery. He is porcelain so must stay away from the rough and tumble kidlets.
Neblina was being such a great big sister by reading a favorite book to Debbie, Sweet Pickles, Owen and Narissa. They were in the little spare bedroom.
Matthew drug his "straw horsie", as he calls it, into the dining room. He was contemplating riding it.
Uh-oh...I lost Michael! This could be bad...he is SUCH a stinker!
Oh Michael there you are! What did you find???
Logan, Luke and Owen made themselves comfy in the living room after the story to play with the train set.
Ah...it was a great day to watch the babies play!
Friday Dolly Hugs~Debbie
Friday Dolly Hugs~Debbie