
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Reborn Questionnaire

There is not much to report today so I thought I would finally get around to the fun questionnaire that Brooke Nicole posted on her blog. Brooke and a friend thought this would be fun to pass around so go ahead all you bloggers~copy and paste to your blog and answer away~FUN!

What is your name?
Debbie Henshaw

What is your nursery name? They Never Grow Up Nursery

How long have you been making reborns? Since 2005

What is your favorite reborning activity? Dressing the finished "baby" oh and of course shopping!

What is your least favorite reborning activity? Coating the kit with Matte Varnish.

What is your highest sale to date? $1,275 in June 2009

What is your lowest sale to date? $87.50~my first baby back in 2005. She went to Canada. It's been all uphill since then :) I remember being SO tickled at that sale!

What 3 products can you not live without? Vinyl gloves, raw mohair from one little farm in Oregon, makeup wedges.

What 3 products would you never buy again? Berry Makers, Ritz dye, sand.

What is your favorite reborn kit to date? Vanessa by Adrie.

Which kit did not turn out the way you hoped? Barry by Adrie, Arianna by Reva (the Latino colored one that I made)

If you could master a new reborning skill, what would it be and why? The swirl crown! Ugh.

Happy Wednesday!

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