
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Friday Funnies~On Thursday??

*******Everyone Loves a Cheerful Helper*******

Well, what a beautiful Fall day in Eastern Oregon! The nights are very cool now so it is time to clip off all the flowers and put everything away for the winter.

I am such a lucky Mommy....look at my cheerful helpers!

Janae will help with the potted flowers...

And Sweet Pickles will help with the leaves and the marigolds in the garden....

And who can resist a tumble in the leaf sparkled grass?

I just love my happy fall helpers!


And I love my family too! I am off to go a-visiting! I am very excited as I will be seeing my 2 grand daughters, my kids, my mom and some nieces and nephews. I will be out of the nursery from today through Sunday so I left my little story for you to enjoy today :)

Nursery Notes:

The Colliii awards winning announcements are due out any time now! The suspense is so intense! I can't wait to see who has won this elite award!

On my way home on Sunday, I will be making a little stop at the Angora goat farm! Yes, the fall shearing is complete and it's time to make my selection of hair. I love going to the goat farm!

Our schedule has changed for the fall/winter months. My husband and I will now work 5 eight hour days instead of 4 ten hour days. That means I will have to be quick to get going in the mornings to allow adequate time to paint in the day. I'll have to get off this computer a bit sooner now! The good news is is that dinner will be earlier now providing more time in the evenings for rooting.

Megan has about 1/4 of her hair. Oh it's lovely soft hair! It looks just like baby hair. I will take her with me and work on her while visiting with family.

Alright until Monday~


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