
Monday, October 26, 2009

Fall Mohair & Colliii awards update

Hi everyone! It's good to be back to work however, I would not trade the time I had with my family (grandchildren!!!) for anything in the world! I had a really good time visiting and playing with my sweet ones.

I have been to the Angora goat farm for the fall shearing and have come home with 6 pounds of gorgeous first clip kid hair: 3 pounds are wavy to curly and 3 pounds are straight to wavy. I have 3 pounds of "Lucy" adult hair which is always gorgeous and great for toddlers (but it's not real long this time). Lucy's hair is straight to large waves. And 2 pounds of "Glory" hair~oh my! Glory did us proud! Glory's hair is pretty short but perfect for the "root to tip" person. Glory's hair is wavy to curly and is her 1st clip as a yearling goat. Her first clip as a kid was pretty straight! She is opposite of most goats.

After I get my sorts together I will try to get some of each of the hair processed and available for sale.


Colliii awards update:

Wow! Waiting for the results of the 2009 Colliii awards has been tough! The date for release of the 2009 winners has been bounced around with the last date being the 22nd of October! The new date is now tomorrow, October 27! Soooo exciting!

Enjoy your Monday everyone!

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