
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

~2009 Colliii Awards Announcement~

Whew! I thought I would just die waiting for the results of the 2009 Colliii awards! They were due out yesterday but actually were announced today, October 28th.

Ari, my reborn toddler, did not win an award but I am simply honored to have been nominated by the public and I will be entering again next year. It has been a thrill!

Congratulations to this years winners of all categories!

~See the awards here~

***********Nursery Notes**************

I am still working hard on the AA black baby and bi-racial babies. The AA has proven to be quite a challenge as I work towards a very dark tone with very dark "points". In Orlando 2 years ago, a very sweet black lady gave me guidance in creating a black baby with "points". I have been wanting to brave this project for quite a long time now and I hope I do her proud!

Still working on Megan's hair. I have all of the back and one side yet to do.

Enjoy your Wednesday!

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