
Monday, October 19, 2009

~Makin' Babies~

I told one of my girlfriends recently that I would just be working on ONE baby at a time...HA! We both should have known better!

Sometimes there are lingering projects and little things that can be done in a little spot of time that was leftover for the day~too much time to not do anything and not enough time to do something big.

Well, that is how it has been around here lately! I had twin AA crib cap babies hanging out that had been painted LAST fall~so I decided to spend my evenings rooting them. They are done with all details but they need to be assembled.

Then there was the Latino Arianna fiasco where I ended up painting an 8" Berenguer to prove to myself that the coloring problem was not the paint or the artist. (It wasn't) So then I thought, " won't take long to root her and get her done." WRONG! 6+ hours later, she has hair. Now she needs lashes and her little head put on but oh my is she ever cute!

While I was taking that "little bit of time" to root the 8", little Miss Megan has been waiting patiently for hair.

A while back I did a custom 5" Berenguer. Well, if you are going to prep one of those little ones, you might as well prep a few~so I did. This set of twins have been moved here an there as new kits come in so I did a little bit of painting on them to help get them out of the way, but for now, they are kind of laying low waiting for more paint. I will get them done sometime soon the next three weeks anyway. I love those little ones~they are just so adorable, fun and great for the holiday season.

All these little ones will be all I have to offer for this holiday season: A set of AA crib caps, the 8" and the twin 5"~all Berenguers.

And yesterday, I started the paint on an AA baby and a bi-racial baby. I am not certain which kit will be the AA and which the bi-racial~that is why I chose to work on them together. I can change up the paints a little bit while I work letting each of them take on their own look as I create. There is no hurry on these babies as they are for IDEX. If I were trying to get them done for eBay I would not opt to paint them at the same time as that impending "want to get them on eBay" would hang over my head causing too much pressure. As it is, I am relaxed and having a great time creating!

Custom order kits and deposits are arriving for the spring and summer custom order list. I have updated the list for all of those customers. Thanks so much for your orders!

Guess that is it for the nursery notes for today. Fall is in the air and I just love the relaxed season it brings. Enjoy!

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