ROFL!!! I've been asked many of times if I have ever tried sculpting. My normal answer is, "Yes, and I should not give up my day job for it!".
Back in 2007, I took a 2 hour sculpting class from Laura Tuzio Ross. I stared the head in her class but by the time the class got down to the mouth/lip area, I removed my hand from the little sculpts head only to find out that the heat from my hand and "coned" the back of the head so that I was only left with a face on the surface of the cone!
So I had to start all over again while the class carried on.
I did the body while I was recovering in the hospital from a surgery. One should not try to sculpt when on drugs! LOL
Awe, too funny!
I've never baked my little sculpt and I actually have another head that I started while visiting a friend a couple years back. We were up way late in the night sitting at the dining room table just sculpting away. She has tinkered with sculpting a lot more than I ever have...or will and she's much better at it than me.
All in all, I enjoyed playing with the clay but due to the fact that I am not gifted in it and the time it takes, I won't be taking sculpting up at all.
LOL Poor little flipper guy! LOL