Ask Debbie

Welcome to the "Ask Debbie" column here on the 
They Never Grow Up Nursery Blog!

This page will be a weekly contribution of questions asked during the week on my 
business Facebook page.  
All questions and answers will be posted on this page for your future reference.

Week ending Thursday March 20th:
From the blog on the "Real Weighting Tutorial"
Anonymous asks: "Is there a reason you do not use plugs instead of the glue?"

And I answer:
Yes, because I don't like how stiff they make the top of the leg. I will use them on a soft Ashton Drake or Masterpiece doll to give extra support for the zip tie pressure but otherwise, I just do not use them.


From my Facebook Business Page Messages: 

Maria wanted to know if I had any suggestions for her as a first time exhibitor at a doll show.

These are the suggestions I gave her:
 This is a great question Maria!
I find it best to have no more than 6 dolls on the table. You can go more if you have some micro-preemies, but I have found that too many dolls overwhelm the buyers. Keep your table free of a lot of props so that collectors are drawn to the dolls and not the props. Even though we like to show off the work we do in the doll, collectors seem drawn to the outfits that the doll is wearing as well, so go ahead and have the dolls fully dressed and offer to remove shoes, booties, etc if the collector is interested in seeing more of the doll. 

Dress professionally but wear comfy shoes as you will be on your feet a lot. Make sure that you have bottled water and soothing throat drops in case your voice gives out as you will be talking a lot.
Don't smother the customer~allow her time to come in, and look around. You can say something like "Welcome, please come in. Feel free to cuddle~the babies love cuddles" if you don't mind your dolls being handled. For me as a buyer, I won't consider a doll that I cannot undress and hold, so I extend that to the collectors. 

I offer a going home bag for each baby (I buy white craft bags and put my business name and the baby's name on each bag) for their accessories and extra outfits) and I wrap the doll up in a blanket and hand it to them, then take a picture with their permission and permission to post on social avenues. 

After a person holds a doll, make sure you re-prop the doll as customers never place them back in an attractive fashion! Pose the dolls realistically, making sure their chins are tucked into their chest and not nostrils flying in the air!
  I hope that helps!



From my Facebook Business Page:
Willeke asks:
Please, I have a question. do you reborn your silicone babies the same way as you reborn your vinyl babies?
My answer:
They Never Grow Up Nursery reborn dolls by Debbie Henshaw My techinque is the same as far as how I apply the paint and in which layers, but the paint and products used on silicone dolls is entirely different than for vinyl. Only silicone sticks to silicone so you must use high quality silicone paints from silicone companies. Does that answer your question? XXOO
She then asks:
Well,that means that you work with pensils and sponges and all the stuff one use with genesis or other "normal" reborn paints ?
And I answer:
They Never Grow Up Nursery reborn dolls by Debbie Henshaw I do not use pencils, but rather brushes and yes, sponges, just like I do with my vinyl paints, however, I have a set for the silicone and a set for the vinyl. 
 To add to this discussion, it is important to have a set of separate brushes for all of your different paints and glosses.  
I have four sets:  A set for air dry paints, a set for Genesis paints, a set for silicone paints and a set for my glosses.   


From my Facebook Business Page:

Heather asks:
Debbie, Question 1 is this where we post our questions. Number 2 is the hair your currently using the hair your going to be selling? I'm also struggling on how to mix my paints to get a good skin color on Caucasian babies. Do you add any color to your flesh color or do you just do several washes. I have a ton more but ill let other people have a chance. Thanks

I answer:
Hi Heather! Yes, this is where you post your questions. I'll tackle them through the days when I have breaks. 
Yes, I will have a little bit of that hair for sale (the hair I used on the LyLy Prototype), plus a bunch of other colors in small amounts.
 Ahhh....I do not use flesh colors at all! I make my own color that I call the "undertone" layer and I do not apply it as a wash. I use a sponge with lots of pores in it. 
I have a full range of Air Dry Paint color guides available that guide one to my skin tones.

From the Blog:

 Willeke asks:
Please, can you tell me how I neutralize a grey doll kit?
I did look all over the internet but did not find a satisfying solution, can you help?

I answer:
 Is this grey kit a Bountiful Baby kit?
The best color for a grey kit is a warm salmon color. But don't use the color as a wash, apply it with a porous sponge, allowing some of the color of the vinyl to show. As you proceed with your layers of other colors, you will see that through the process, the vinyl left showing will add to the life-like tone of the doll.
I hope that helps! 

Anonymous asks:
Hi there, I've been reading all the questions and answers about waterborne paint's. By doing that I'm just getting more confused. Some say do this or that or both. I want to know the correct way from prepping the kit to sealing the kit, even with that some say you don't need to? So is there a written chart from the beginning to end? Also, if i was to finish painting a kit in one day, how long does it take to cure so that i can dress and sell the doll? A chart showing the 1st step to the last step and all the in between that can be printed would be a big help. I really want to buy the set of paints, but i want to know what i'm doing first, and also need to know what else i need to purchase as far as supplies to use with these paints. Hope to here from you

I answer:
I've got loads of information on this blog regarding the Art and Magic Water Borne paints including a tutorial. I don't think that links work in these reply boxes, so go to the home page of the blog and type in the search bar "Art and Magic Tutorial". I do include a list of supplies needed and a step-by-step guide to paint a basic doll on bare vinyl. I do not know for sure if you can print the tutorial as I have not tried it, but please do try. (I do have a full reborning DVD using LDC air dry paints that take you completely through the entire process of reborning a doll. I've got a revision that is emailed to customers when they buy the DVD for conversion to Art and Magic paints.)
I've been using air dry paints since 2008. I have developed the technique of coating the kit first with Genesis Matte or Satin Varnish (and have recently coated some kits with Folk Art Glass and Tile Medium~also loads on information on this blog regarding that) for my personal preference to prevent shine. Good quality acrylic, air dry paints do not NEED any coating at all, either under them or over then. It is a personal and artistic preference and choice for how I like my dolls to look.
The paints dry very quickly but can take up to two weeks to fully cure, especially if painted onto bare vinyl. Another reason I like to coat my vinyl; it tends to speed up the cure time where I can assemble and sell my doll after the rooting is complete. THAT said, you still can dress your doll carefully and photograph it. You can begin rooting after a 24 hour cure time if you protect the face (also a tutorial here on the blog regarding that).I hope this helps! 

  1. Thanks for the great questions!
    (I don't know where that number 1 came from and I can't seem to get rid of it!  Funny!)


  1. DEBBIE,
    Can you please let me know if the mohair is in yet and when it will be available for purchase?


      It's up!

    2. Hello, I am wondering what band of acrylic paint is good for a silicone baby doll. This is my first time painting a doll and i want it to be decent.If you could please answer i would greatly appreciate it

    3. Hello there,
      Acrylic paints cannot be used on silicone dolls. Only silicone paints can be used on silicone dolls. I like the Smooth-On Psycho silicone paints. I hope that helps!

  2. As of 11 pm last night, all of the mohair that I had banded up is processed! I'll be packaging it today and the listings will go up on ArtFire tonight or tomorrow.
    If you would like to be added to my mohair mailing list, please send your first and last name and email address to and I'll add you to the list :)

  3. Please, can you tell me how Ineutralize a grey dollkit?
    I did look all over the internet but did not find a satisfying solution, can you help?

    1. Is this grey kit a Bountiful Baby kit?
      The best color for a grey kit is a warm salmon color. But don't use the color as a wash, apply it with a porous sponge, allowing some of the color of the vinyl to show. As you proceed with your layers of other colors, you will see that through the process, the vinyl left showing will add to the life-like tone of the doll.
      I hope that helps!

  4. Hi there, i've been reading all the questions and answeres about waterborne paint's. By doing that i'm just getting more confused. Some say do this or that or both. I want to know the correct way from prepping the kit to sealing the kit, even with that some say you don't need to? So is there a written chart from the beginning to end? Also, if i was to finish painting a kit in one day, how long does it take to cure so that i can dress and sell the doll? A chart showing the 1st step to the last step and all the in between that can be printed would be a big help. I really want to buy the set of paints, but i want to know what i'm doing first, and also need to know what else i need to purchase as far as supplies to use with these paints. Hope to here from you

    1. Hi!
      I've got loads of information on this blog regarding the Art and Magic Water Borne paints including a tutorial. I don't think that links work in these reply boxes, so go to the home page of the blog and type in the search bar "Art and Magic Tutorial". I do include a list of supplies needed and a step-by-step guide to paint a basic doll on bare vinyl. I do not know for sure if you can print the tutorial as I have not tried it, but please do try. (I do have a full reborning DVD using LDC air dry paints that take you completely through the entire process of reborning a doll. I've got a revision that is emailed to customers when they buy the DVD for conversion to Art and Magic paints.)

      I've been using air dry paints since 2008. I have developed the technique of coating the kit first with Genesis Matte or Satin Varnish (and have recently coated some kits with Folk Art Glass and Tile Medium~also loads on information on this blog regarding that) for my personal preference to prevent shine. Good quality acrylic, air dry paints do not NEED any coating at all, either under them or over then. It is a personal and artistic preference and choice for how I like my dolls to look.

      The paints dry very quickly but can take up to two weeks to fully cure, especially if painted onto bare vinyl. Another reason I like to coat my vinyl; it tends to speed up the cure time where I can assemble and sell my doll after the rooting is complete. THAT said, you still can dress your doll carefully and photograph it. You can begin rooting after a 24 hour cure time if you protect the face (also a tutorial here on the blog regarding that).

      I hope this helps! Thanks for the great questions!

  5. Hi Deb! It's me, Char. First of all, this is a great idea to have an "Ask Debbie" section and why didn't you think of it sooner (grin!).

    My REAL question has to do with how long the air dry paints will last in their containers without drying out, etc. I've had to put my painting on hold for several months as we are selling our house and it didn't look very well to have it all out for showings. I've kept the paint closed in their original containers and have them in yet another container with a lid, but I was just curious. I'm hoping I don't have to buy all new paints when this whole house selling is over (we have an offer so hopefully it will end soon).

    1. Hello Char!
      Well, some ideas are like fine wines. They take a while to come to full maturity! LOL

      I do not have a specific answer as to how long the paints last but I can say that they do tend to last longer the more they are used. This is the biggest downfall of acrylic paints...ANY acrylic paints that are not in a foil tube (like JoSonja's paints).

      I am guessing that the new line of pre-blended paints that I will be trying (Special Care Air Dry Paints) may last pretty well as they will have the retarding fluid/medium mixed right in and I do know that Hunnybun's Art and Magic Water Borne paints have been adjusted to have a little bit of flow medium in them to help them last longer.

      I do hope yours will be fine since you packed them so well.

      I advise that people keep them out of the sun, keep them double packed if they won't be using them for a while and stir them well before each use.

      Good luck on selling your house!

    2. hi i apologize if im not supposed to ask this question but i really want one for free because money doesnt come easy and reborns and silicones are very high priced so if i can its fine,but thanks for making them so i could at least see them really brightens up my day.😐😊

    3. Hello there. You are absolutely correct, money does not come easy. In yesterday's post about the sale of Jazz, I pointed out what my hourly wage was while making him. $12.80 an hour. When I go to the hair dresser, I pay anywhere from $25-75 per 1/2 hour to hour, depending on what I am getting done. I paid $25 per hour for a craftsman to do some taping and texturing in a building I was finishing. Plumbers charge a minimum of $50 a visit. I would say that my dolls are a really great deal as they are!
      I love that my dolls can be enjoyed online so please continue to enjoy them. Because I cannot buy every doll that I like, I also enjoy them through photos and through the lives of those who are able to adopt them.
      If you put your mind to it, you will have your own doll someday!
      Best of luck and happy 2016.
      XXOO Debbie

  6. Hey Debbie! Your column is looking great! I am the one on Facebook who asked you about Alasia and joked about you having an "Ask Debbie" column. I just wanted to say 'Congrats' because you are doing a wonderful job!

    Sara =]

    1. HaHaHa, thank Sara, you make me smile! Hey, I think there is a song like that~LOL

  7. Hi, in picture #9, what is the kit to make the toddler next to the ballerina?

    1. Hi there!
      Your question is in an appropriate place but I am unsure to which blog post you were on when you saw the doll in question. Could you tell me that please? Then I can help :)
      Have a good day!

  8. Hi there Debbie,

    I am VERY interested in your 'tin based' silicone painting journey. I am on a similar journey with no end in sight.:)) I would SO SO appreciate it is you come across anything that works. THANK you in advance.:)) If I learn anything I will share too.:)) Cassie

    1. Hello Cassie!
      Alright, get out your squishy tomatoes and rotten eggs.
      Painting silicone has so many variables that I have decided not to attempt to teach it. As I learned recently reborning a micro-preemie from years ago, silicone agents can change how a silicone behaves, and each one is so different. The whole process is just too complicated and takes up too much of my already taxed time trying to help other people.
      I am so busy trying to keep up with vinyl and air dry inquiries that I just can't take on new teachings.
      This site offers tin based silicone paints and even a general tutorial:

      Good luck Cassie! XXOO

  9. Hi Debbie Do I need to use an ultra matte gel ? if so where do I get it and what does it do.

    1. Great question!
      Yes, if you are using an acrylic air dry paint, you need to use Ultra Matte Gel or SOME KIND of medium. I like the Ultra Matte Gel for LDC and Art and Magic air dry paints.

      I found some at Micheal's craft store last week or you can order it in smaller amounts from HunnyBuns Reborn Supply.

    2. Whoops, I posted that before I finished answering your question.

      The matte gel causes the paint to adhere and cure to the vinyl and it slows the drying time of the pigments down enough so that you have time to work with your paints.

  10. Debbie I am having trouble finding limbs for the Sheila Michael 3/4 torso? I have spent a lot of money on limbs that don't match correctly. :0( Could you please tell me what limbs to use and where I might by them? Thanks!

    1. OH dear...I am a little bit lost on this one. I don't even remember Sheila Michael having a 3/4 torso. Was it a Doll Dreams kit?
      What is the name of the head/sculpt?
      Maybe I can help if I know that much.

  11. Hi Debbie,

    Char from Wisconsin here. No hurry on this. I'm about to put my first baby together and have a question about the body. On your tutorial, you show that you first fill/weigh the body when it has strings on it and then you switch the strings to zip ties once you get it the way you like it. So do you buy a body that has zip ties and temporarily replace them with strings? OR, do you buy a body with strings and replace them with zip ties? It's a small thing, but I am curious.

    Also, I'm not going to paint silicone kits, but I am wondering...what does it entail to "mat" the silicone at the end of painting? It seems to have something to do with reducing the shine, but that is all I have managed to deduce.

    1. Hello Char!
      Ha! That is an excellent observation! Funny I did not catch that.
      The body I was using was a Doll Dreams flannel body and they do come with strings. Not many come with strings and no, I do not replace the zip ties with strings, I just use the zip ties and don't tighten them all the way until I have "tested" the baby. And sometimes, I tighten them and have to cut them to remove them because I was not happy with the balance and weight. This is where Bountiful Baby comes in handy as I order my zip ties from them! I panic if I have less than 10 of each size in the nursery!
      So, in short, use whatever your body comes with while you are assembling and replace with ties where necessary (unless you are super gifted at tying those strings! I certainly AM NOT and never get them tight enough!) or leave ties loose when adjusting baby. Does that help?

      Matting a silicone entails first placing a complete layer of clear silicone over the entire silicone doll. Once that is cured, another layer of clear silicone is added and then the matting powder is applied.
      The silicone is a final sealer (not that it is really needed as the paints seal themselves and if they aren't applied properly in the beginning, no measure of sealing will make them stay as the lower layers won't stay if not done right which will come off no matter what you put over the top of them) and the powder is to matte the silicone. Silicone is very shiny so the matting is important and doing it correctly is important.
      I like to use the layers of clear silicone just to add some layers of silicone over the color layers to create depth.

  12. Hi Debbie what colors and paints did you use on elijah ive been wanting to achieve this skintone but i seem to fail please help .

    1. Oh boy. That is a hard one! I paint like I cook...a little of this and a little of that.

      Here is what I can tell you though, from what I remember, I painted him with Genesis paints.
      Any time that you want to increase your brown tone, add blue. I used Burnt Umber, Ultramarine Blue and Flesh #2 for some of the layers, adding more Burnt Umber when I wanted a blacker tone, then for the final layers I added some Genesis Red to the mixture that didn't have the extra Burnt Umber.

      I hope that helps!

    2. Hi Mrs. Debbie, Im 11 and I was wondering if you could make a full body silicone, or a reborn, for me because my family and I aren't very rich right now so if you did, I would probably run around in my underpants around the neighborhood screaming lol, so if you could that'd be great. Thanks!

    3. Hello Dear, I guess you won't be running around the neighborhood in your underpants because this is not something that I, or any other artist, can do. Full body silicones are very expensive and you can't ask other people to give up that kind of used to feed their families, and just give it to you.
      You have your whole life ahead of you. When you are an adult, you can work and spend your money how you want to...and you can get that full body silicone doll. I was 48 years old when I got my first full body silicone doll~a preemie. I have yet to add a newborn to my own collection. Good things come to those who wait!

  13. hi mrs. debbie my name is kimesha martin and i was wondering can you make me a full silicone light skin brow baby but i want her to be a toddler and i was just wondering can you to that for me

    1. Hello Kimesha,
      I am sorry, I am not taking custom orders right now. :(
      As far as I know, there are not any full body silicone toddler sculpts available. I fear they would be difficult to pour, very expensive to buy (most newborn full body sculpts run around $2000 just for the blank silicone) and extremely heavy when complete.
      Maybe in the future one will come available though, one never knows!
      Take care,

  14. I have a shiny finished reborn. Can you apply Plaid Folk Art Outdoor Matte Sealer on finished doll.

    1. Yes, you can! Isn't that great news! Have you seen my YouTube video on how to apply it?

  15. Hi Debbie my name is Sandra do you sell or custom made a I'm looking for a cheap full silicone reborn baby doll in ebay I was looking for for one but nothing I feel one her name is ginger she is a silicone reborn baby doll I don't know if cost a hundred100 dollars do you make a cheap silicone reborn for me I only have a hundred dollars ok do you get PayPal to pay the doll God Bless You and your husband and family I want girl with open mouth and bottle and pacifier and take her a bath to ok Debbie I you in the picture you look cute together I mean it ok Debbie from Sandra

    1. Hello Sandra,
      Thank you for visiting my blog and for the questions.
      I am sorry, I do not do custom silicone or vinyl work anymore.
      And I'm sorry to tell you that there are no "cheap" silicone dolls. Silicone is VERY expensive for the artists to buy. One cannot even buy a full body silicone for $100. Most are $1200 and up, just for the blank for us to work on.
      If you are ever able to buy a full body silicone, I highly recommend that you do not give them a bath. The chemicals in soaps, even baby soaps, can destroy the silicone paint.
      Take care Sandra. I hope you find your dream baby some day.

  16. hello debbie ,

    its been a while since we've talked but i have a question i was reading through your ask debbie posts and read that you have an air dry ainting guide so i tried to find them but sadly i wasn't able to i am taking the plung again to try the air dry paints but i've chosen the baby fx paints i've been looking at everything i can ind about them and i am etting the introduction set but i know that i will need more then these few colors can you advise me on colors and mediums .lastly i know you will be teaching a class at the rose doll shoe but will there be a dvd of this instruction but will there be a dvd or pdf file on how to use these paints ..thanks so much sherrie

  17. I reborn Blaze the factory painted. I used plaid acrylic paints. I follow steps to do it. But her skin tone is orange yet after I was done with the paint. How can I tone the orange tone and still keep what I'd done with it? Do I need to seal it? What's bad I redid it 3 times already. Can you tell me what to do next time I have a Blond Blaze yet to do with the factory paint and Blush to do. I hope I worded it right so you can understand me. Please help I'm a first timer at it. They are for my granddaughter not to sell. Thank you, Wilda

    1. Hello there Wilda. I am not certain who Blaze is that is already factory painted but that really does not matter. The Plaid Acrylic Paints simply are not made for vinyl dolls. They were used years ago when artists were trying to find a suitable air dry paint for dolls only to find that the Plaid Acrylic paints would turn orange, fade, peel and crack.
      If you simply want to reborn some dolls for your granddaughters, I recommend Art and Magic Waterborne Paints from Hunnybuns or Special Care Nursery Paints from Special Care Nursery. Those paint systems have pre-mixed colors such as "Lips, blush, nails, creases etc" and will help you easily color a doll for a child. I have tutorials for simple techniques right here on my blog for both of those paints. Good luck!

  18. If u get a silicone baby with a sound box xan u still get it wet

    1. Hmmm, that is a good question. I wasn't aware that there are silicone babies with sound boxes. Have you seen one? If so, can you share where you saw it so that I can investigate how it is made to answer that question?

  19. A very informative page and most helpful but i have a friend who needs an armature for a 29" doll. Where you buy them from please?

    1. I buy mine from Kemper Dolls:
      I hope that helps!

  20. hello Debbie,
    i am new to reborning. i have been reading up and studying videos on youtube, yours included. I have been reading on facebook, a concern about crackling in varnishes.
    some say it is because of not following manufacturers instructions about curing them with heat. i see there are genesis and air dry varnishes.
    have you noticed the crackling in the finished dolls?
    it is stated that the air dry paints do not need to be finished with a coat of sealer. some say they do. is there a difference with how the varnish works between heat and air dry paints?
    i have applied a sealer to my first 2 heads before rooting. these are practice dolls so i do want to see what happens. i also have some air dried paints on order to try out as well.
    i worry about putting a sealer on my better kits later on if the sealer/varnish is going to crack. what does one do?
    sorry if this is too much on one post *s* i have more than enough questions going forward. *s* thanks for any help.

  21. Hello and welcome to the wonderful world of reborning!
    The only sealers/varnishes I know of that crack are the heat set ones if they are not applied thinly enough and baked well. By thinly, I mean use the vanish full strength (don't thin with thinners) but apply it very thinly. The air dry sealers I have used also need to be applied thinly but I have not encountered a cracking problem with them.
    It is true that there are different opinions on whether or not to seal air dry paints, and I have done both. To do what is best for the community as a whole, I suggest to follow the manufactures guideline on the paint system you are using.
    I hope this helps you out a little :)

  22. Hi Debby, I was wondering if you are going to do a tutorial on painting reborn toddler ?.

    1. Hello Joy, thanks for visiting my blog!
      Well, I had not really thought of that. I do have a color guide for a fair skin tone that I used on a toddler. Here is the link to that guide:
      Baby FX paints has a color called "Strawberry Skin" that I have just used the other day. I think it is amazing for the light/fair skin tone! I might have to write a new color guide using it! Hehehe, in my spare time!

  23. Debbie. I painted my first reborn using the Arts and Magic paints and your tutorial. I'm working on my second doll and things are not coming out as smoothly. She looks painted and chalky. What could I be doing wrong? Also do you have a video tutoriAL using these paints? Or do you know of any video tutorial using them? Thanks

    1. Hello Jillian,
      I am going to guess that your paints are not thin enough if they are looking painted and chalky. Did you remember the Ultra Matte Gel and water in the mix? The biggest thing to remember with really any paint is that if the paints are not behaving, adjust them until they do.
      I do not have a video tutorial specific to these paints, just the photo tutorial here on the blog. My DVD tutorial uses the LDC air dry paints, and I have revised the printed color guide to include the Art and Magic Paints. The application technique of all of the air dry paints I use are the same as in the DVD.
      Here is a link:
      I sure hope this helps. Feel free to come back for more questions if you need to.

  24. Hello Debbie, I'm new to the reborn world and your site was the first that caught my eye! I decided to try it as a form of therapy after an injury. I find it so rewarding to see something come to life before my eyes even though I know i've got so much to learn ! I was wondering if you were going to be at the Puyallup doll show and if you were going to offer any hands on tips or classes during the venue. Either way I would be honored to see your work in person and meet you.

    1. Welcome to the wonderful world of reborn dolls!
      I am sorry but I won't be at the Puyallup show this fall. Once in a great while I do attend that show but I won't be this year. :(

  25. Hi Debbie, what would you say is the best paints, air dry or genesis? I am using the air dry but thinking about using genesis. Any advise would be appreciated, x

    1. Hello there :)
      I have always preferred the pure colors of air dry paints over Genesis, and I do believe that air dry paints are healthier for us to use over baking vinyl in the oven.
      I hope that helps!

  26. Thanks, debbie I will definitely do what you have suggested. Do I have to seal my reborn's bottle?

    1. Oh, I definitely would!
      I use a toothpick to place Marine Silicone Sealant (from the hardware store) down into the nipple and then also place a bead around the inside of the cap and place the cap immediately on the bottle. Allow it to dry at least 24 hours.
      On another note, if the nipple does not slide into a dolls mouth even though the mouth looks big enough, you can wet the nipple with water which can help it slide in. You can squeeze the cheeks of your doll and squish the nipple flatter too. I just don't know how large your dolls mouth is.

    2. I was able to seal my reborn's bottle.
      Thanks again Debbie

    3. However Debbie the nipple will not go into my reborn's mouth because her mouth is closed on the inside I did not know this when I purchased her. Would buying a magnetic bottle help since my reborn baby girl has a magnetic pacifier?

  27. Your silicone doll has a magnetic pacifier? Is she really silicone or what they call "silicone-vinyl"? I've not heard of a magnetic bottle before and from experience, the bottle would be too heavy for the magnets. What you can do though is push the nipple inside itself making a super-short nipple or you can even buy a cap and take off the nipple and ring entirely, replacing it with the cap so that the bottle can then go up against the dolls face and it will look like she is drinking from it. Dr. Brown's makes a baby bottle storage cap and you can get them online. Here is one place I found just doing a quick Google search:

    1. She is a full silicone. Ok sounds good. I will definitely be trying this recommendation of yours.

  28. Debbie,how do I pretend to feed my closed mouthed reborn baby... and what kind of inexpensive bed and body wash and shampoo should I buy her?
    I don't want to use Johnson and Johnson's bath products.

    1. Do you mean with a spoon Stephane? If so, just like that...pretend! Bring the spoon up to her mouth and pretend that she ate the food from it. (I really would not use food~just pretend there is food there.)
      Going back to the bottle, again you can either push the nipple inside itself or buy a travel cap like I described the last time we "chatted".
      If you have a Walmart or other supermarket/drug store, look for a store brand of the baby wash. I am not familiar with other brands as I've only bought Johnson's and Johnson's. Be sure not to bathe her often with soap as soap can break down her paints over time. A plain water bath works just fine.

  29. Debbie, I have been using the starters scn paints and love them, but I've seen they do different flesh washes, I'm curious to know how and at what stage I would use these, can you help

    Hugs Mandy

    1. Hello Mandy!
      If you have viewed my SCN paints tutorial here on the blog, you will see that I do not do layers and layers of flesh wash. From the first time that I began reborning, now 12 years ago, I just could not wrap my head around that technique. It simply was not for me. After stripping the doll I was trying to reborn that way several times, I never tried it again. It was at that moment that I "developed" my "visual texture" technique as described in my tutorials.
      I am afraid that I can't be much help if you do want to do that flesh washes but do let me know if there is anything I can help with. Big hugs!

  30. Hi Debbie , could you please tell me how to stop my silicones from feeling grainy after painting all of the layers please ....thank you :0)

    1. Grainy? I have not experienced this problem before. What type and brand of paints are you using on your silicone dolls?

  31. Hi, thank you, maybe I should have said lumpy , like tiny milk spots . Im trying to keep it ultra smooth but always seems to end up bumpy to the touch and you can see some of the bumps... I am using eco flex 30 and minimal psycho paints ....maybe its the matting process I'm doing ? with cornstarch , or it is too thick when sealing ?

    1. Yes, it sounds like it could be with the matting, especially if there are tiny white spots. The sealing layer needs to be very, VERY thin and just barely tacky to the touch before the matte is applied. I hope that helps!

  32. Thank you for the advice , yes I think the sealing layer was too thick .... am slowly getting there though :0)

  33. Hi have you done an air dry paint tutorial on painting dolls hair

    1. Yes, I have one here on my blog and one a newer one on my YouTube channel. Here is the one on my blog. If you cannot access this link, just type in "painted hair tutorial" into the search bar.

    2. YouTube Channel:

  34. Hi Debbie,
    Hope your Momma is doing great.
    Do you have the ethnic FX dry paints instructions yet? I'm doing an ethnic baby and wanted to get your instructions before I start....I have no idea WHERE to start. Also. I have some really dark doll kits that need to be "greened"???

    1. Hi Verla!
      We have already handled the Baby FX Ethnic color guide via email.
      Will you be using these dark kits for ethnic dolls or Caucasian dolls? Do you have a color wheel?

  35. Hi. I was wondering if you are still using the ART & MAGIC OF REBORNING WATER BORNE Air Dry Paints? I am a beginner and having a heck of a time with my acrylic paints. I seriously doubt that the problems are the paints. Think the problem is probably that I don't know how to use them i.e. thinning, mixing etc. I'm trying but am becoming so frustrated. I am thinking about switching to the above paints. Comments/suggestions? Sure wish you were offering classes in my area (AR) Thanks so much. Have a great day!

  36. Hi! No, I haven't used them in quite a long time but I did enjoy using them when I did. Have you viewed the Art and Magic tutorial here on my blog?
    Unfortunately, the Baby FX paints are no longer being manufactured. I still use them because I stocked up but they are hard to find a full set. :(

  37. Hi Debbie: Totally new to Reborn's and simply learning how to do for my pleasure only - no aspirations for anything else. I have run into a problem with my acrylics?, Vinyl? or what?? My first reborn, tho finished, I ruined at the very last :-( This is my second kit. I am still using the same acrylic paint, and with this kit have used 2 coats of FolkArt's Glass and Tile medium for my base. However, this time the paint is not going on smoothly. It is instead, beading - and looks dreadful. I am diluting paints same way as I did for first kit. I can pounce the paint but under magnification it looks not so good.I am beginning to wonder if it could be the vinyl? With this kit the vinyl feels a tad softer and considerably lighter in color than the first kit. Both kits came from the same place (all I'll say is I shouldn't have & knew better.) I didn't have a bit of a problem with the vinyl accepting the paint on the first kit. Would you please comment - perhaps throw me a life line? Thanks.

    1. Hi there! Thank you for contributing to my "Ask Debbie" page!
      I am going to guess that your application sponge/brush is too wet with the paint. Or that the paint was not stirred well (from the bottom) when you got it from the bottle. So try this: Make a new batch of thinned paint but first, still your paint pigment really well from the bottom of the bottle with a stirring stick before you put it in your pallet. Then, keep your application sponge/brush just barely damp with the paint. If none of that helps, add a little bit of the well-stirred Folk Art Glass and Tile Medium to your paints. Maybe the paints need a bit more medium. If that still does not resolve the problem, I am going to guess that the problems is the 2 coats of Folk Art on the kit. It could just be too much/too thick. Let me know how the other tests go and we'll go from there as to what to do if it is determined that it is the 2 layers.
      Hang in there! We will get through this!

  38. Thanks a lot Debbie. Tomorrow I will try mixing the paint with much less water. I did a blush today and used a lot less DI(De-ionized) water. It seemed to help, so when I do the next full coat I will reduce the water even more if I can. Also I will leave out some of the other things I had been using at the same time i.e. Blending Gel, and an additive to the DI water that is supposed to be an additive for an acrylic thinner (Liguitex Flow-Aid) to help the DI water thin the paint to a water color consistency with out changing the color. Me thinks, too many "fingers in the pie". At any rate I will keep you posted. Day after tomorrow I will be doing a full flesh coat so I will not use any more water than I have to and use just plain old DI water. The vinyl on this current kit does seem to really be different than the first kit. That kit seemed to allow me 'beginners luck" until I killed it at the end! :-( Have a great day.

  39. I stripped my very first doll 3 times before I felt she looked more real! Keep it up, you will get it!

    1. Reporting back...No Joy! I simply cannot figure what/where the problem is. I tried your suggestions and tried different combinations of water and paint mixtures. When thin enough to be translucent, the paint beads on the vinyl; when a tad thicker it does not bead, but is way too thick and looks chalky. I know other people use acrylics, so it's almost has to be something on my part that is being done wrong/left out etc. By the way "3" must be a magic number! I think you can guess how I know this! Could it be the sponges? Use cosmetic regular size and Jumbo. Jumbos are Swisspers and smaller ones are Equate - Walmart. Have too much invested to give up and I have been struggling since last April. Any other ideas? Thanks so much.

  40. I don't remember if the Swisspers have any added oils or latex in them. Those things can definitely cause things to go wrong. So check that out and get back to me. I like the brand that the Dollar Tree carries. I've used them for years and years.

  41. Hello i have an Ashton Drake doll that is 16 1/2 in lenght an she has 3/4 arms an legs.If i reborn her what size cloth body would she take?

    1. Hi there! I am apologize for the late response. Last week was CRAZY!!!
      I am going to direct you to the body size experts of Spearson's Doll Bodies. They can work with you to determine the size of body that you need.
      That said, most companies will offer a body for a 16-17" doll. They have already done the math for us so we don't have to think about it. I hope that helps!

    2. Thank you so much.:)

  42. Hello there i have a question how can you tell the cloth body size a doll should have? See i have an Ashton Drake doll Kaylie brand sparkling new an she is 16 1/2.I have been trying to find a new cloth body for her an sugestions?

    1. Happy New year! If you look just above your question, you will see that I gave an answer to a previous question of the same.
      What I do when I don't like the size is I get a measuring tape to give an estimate on how long I think the body should be and also how chubby, then I contact to order a custom made body. I hope this helps!

  43. Hi Debbie,
    I am using the Special Care paints for the first time. I find the eyebrow paint is very thin. I was thinking about experimenting and adding some thickening medium and slo dry medium at the same time. I know the ratio of slo dry medium is 1 drop to at least 5 drops of paint. Do you know how much thick medium I would add to paint that contains the slo dry medium? How much paint would I need to add both of these mediums to it?

  44. Hi I am need to ask a question do you know how much this cute little African-American little sweet baby is

  45. Hi Debbie, where do you sell the paints that you are using in the "Special Care Nursery paints tutorial"? I can't find them for sale anywhere here. �� Thanks

    1. Hello Gwen! I apologize for taking so long to get back with you! Where has September gone?? The only place to buy the paints is from the UK from Special Care Nursery:

  46. Hi
    Where can I find porcelain doll mold for sale ?

  47. Upon a quick Google search, I saw some listed on Etsy, eBay and various doll supply companies. I hope this helps!
