When I first saw the OOAK of Capri, I thought she had some real nice traits to becoming an AA baby so that is how I decided to reborn her.
When I reborn Nicky, who won the award (see yesterday's blog) I used a layer of Genesis paints to give her the base brown coat. With Nicky I finished her coloring with LDC paints but for Capri, even though I planned on finishing with the LDC paints, I have just kept on going with the Genesis. Oh those artists...you never can tell what direction they will go in next! LOL
Sometimes it is just fun to pick up a different medium and see what you can do with it.
So here we go~ Here is her head after a layer of color compared to her belly plate and limbs that had no color:

And here is a shot after that first day of working on her:
Yesterday I deepened her creases and folds, added a lot of shading, worked on her lips and brows and started to lighten the palms of her hands and soles of her feet. I like to color the bottoms of the feet just a wee little bit but I got them too dark so now I will just bring them down until I am happy.
Today I will deepen the creases and folds more, work on the palms and soles, start blushing and toning~AA babies have several different colors and tones just like Caucasian babies. I will use yellows, blues, and maybe some greens as well as reds, purples and browns. She is pretty shiny right now but that will change in the end. OH and I can't stop thinking about how I will do her hair! :)
~Updated Custom Order & Prototype List~
2010 Custom Order List
Customer ID Sculpt Status
X#1: MB Portland OR Arianna PAID/Secure ETOD: Mid March 2010
Completed March 4, 2010, shipped March 5, 2010
X#2: LC Portland OR Aubree, Completed and shipped March 25, 2010
X#3 AR Canada Berenguer Completed, shipped 4/5/2010
Prototype Payton~Completed
Prototype Capri~in progress
#4: SB Tuscon AZ Tiny 10” Claire PAID/SECURE ETOA late April
Angelica for ebay ???
Prototypes Leah and Logan~kits will be shipped here April 19th
Prototype Jayden shipping ???
Prototypes Zinny and Chicklet~Shipping here late April
#5 JM Marshing ID Aubrey Budget Baby PAID/SECURE ETOA Unk~kit out of stock
#6 SS WA State “Lillian”/Jena, kit purchased/PAID/SECURE ETOD: ???
Prototype Kristaletta~May/June?
#7 BN The Dalles OR Nicky, Kit provided
#8 RM Nampa ID Berenguer, doll provided
#9 RM Nampa ID new set of limbs on Emily, Emily in the nursery, limbs ordered
#10 SG Arianna Caucasian Deposit made, kit in stock
#11 MM S California undetermined kit (Noah?) deposit credit on file
#12 BN The Dalles OR Emerly, Kit provided
The coloring is amazing!! Love the process!