Hello everyone! I am back from my little vacation and just as busy as ever!
Before I forget, here is Payton's auction link~
~see Payton~
And while we are talking auctions, look at this gorgeous baby made by Rachel Maynard~
~Rachel's Wee Yawns Prototype~
I point this auction out not only because I love Rachel's work but because she used MY hair on this gorgeous baby :) And has this created a stir and a lot of requests for TNGUN's hand processed hair!
We arrived home around 2 pm yesterday so after unpacking, I got busy doing our tax returns. Thankfully I am finished with those~yah!!! and I can now just move onto dollies and mohair. I've only got very little mohair available at the moment but I will try to get more up in the next two weeks.
~Available Mohair~
Oh my gosh there is so much going on and so much to tell!
I took my little Cowboy Matthew with us this weekend while we were gone. He has some exciting things to share with you about his weekend. He will do that on Friday.
I took a new custom order the other day which is paid for so I will be updating the list this morning.
James from Colliii TV and Colliii.com has asked to do an email interview with me so I will be getting that sent to him today. I am simply thrilled!!! You know me...I love the chatter! I'll post the link when that interview goes up.
Well...lookie what I did!! I won an award for Artist of the Month with a new guild I am on.
I made this gorgeous baby, Nicky, for IDEX 2010 and she found a loving mommy at IDEX. I will send her a copy of the award as I know she will be thrilled.
I did something different with Nicky when I made her. I did her base brown skin tone with Genesis paints, coated her with Genenis Matte Varnish and then finished her with LDC paints. I was so pleased with the results that I thought I would do something similar with Prototype Capri. I'll share some pics of Capri tomorrow and tell you more about her reborning techniques.
OH! My title to this blog is "More hours in my Day". I better tell you more about that! Well, my husbands job is at a national historical site. From mid April through Labor Day, he works 10 hour days 4 days a week and the rest of the year he works 8 hour days, 5 days a week. I work the same days/hours he does (and them some +++...just ask him~poor fella) and I don't know about you, but I get SOOO much more done in a 10 hour, non interrupted day than in an 8 hour day so this schedule works VERY well for me. Watch out world...there's a major over-achiever on the loose! LOL
Have a wonderful Tuesday!
Before I forget, here is Payton's auction link~
~see Payton~
And while we are talking auctions, look at this gorgeous baby made by Rachel Maynard~
~Rachel's Wee Yawns Prototype~
I point this auction out not only because I love Rachel's work but because she used MY hair on this gorgeous baby :) And has this created a stir and a lot of requests for TNGUN's hand processed hair!
We arrived home around 2 pm yesterday so after unpacking, I got busy doing our tax returns. Thankfully I am finished with those~yah!!! and I can now just move onto dollies and mohair. I've only got very little mohair available at the moment but I will try to get more up in the next two weeks.
~Available Mohair~
Oh my gosh there is so much going on and so much to tell!
I took my little Cowboy Matthew with us this weekend while we were gone. He has some exciting things to share with you about his weekend. He will do that on Friday.
I took a new custom order the other day which is paid for so I will be updating the list this morning.
James from Colliii TV and Colliii.com has asked to do an email interview with me so I will be getting that sent to him today. I am simply thrilled!!! You know me...I love the chatter! I'll post the link when that interview goes up.
Well...lookie what I did!! I won an award for Artist of the Month with a new guild I am on.

I did something different with Nicky when I made her. I did her base brown skin tone with Genesis paints, coated her with Genenis Matte Varnish and then finished her with LDC paints. I was so pleased with the results that I thought I would do something similar with Prototype Capri. I'll share some pics of Capri tomorrow and tell you more about her reborning techniques.
OH! My title to this blog is "More hours in my Day". I better tell you more about that! Well, my husbands job is at a national historical site. From mid April through Labor Day, he works 10 hour days 4 days a week and the rest of the year he works 8 hour days, 5 days a week. I work the same days/hours he does (and them some +++...just ask him~poor fella) and I don't know about you, but I get SOOO much more done in a 10 hour, non interrupted day than in an 8 hour day so this schedule works VERY well for me. Watch out world...there's a major over-achiever on the loose! LOL
Have a wonderful Tuesday!
Nicky is gorgeous and what a great idea...using Genesis to get the basic tone down and then using LDC. It worked out great!
Congratulations on your award! I did our taxes yesterday, then got a reject letter today because my EIN was wrong, so resent this morning. We're going to break even I think, so that's a great improvement over last year. =)