Well wets jest see how did new twaining stick works on my good ole horse, Toby.
I wiwl see if I tan dit his feet to move Forward, Back, Left and Right and I wiwl be certwain to weward the slitghtest twy! He is an old boy so he wiwl need to know he is doin da right ting.

Cluck cluck.....

Atta boy Toby! Even dough I is not quite bwehind da "drive line" of my horsie like Cwinton Andwerson teaches, Toby seems to be doing alright!

My body wanguage is bery important so dat Toby knows what I want him ta do. See how I hab my arm pointed tewwing him to go dat way?

I tink he is using da tinking side of his bwain! What a dood boy!

Gosh....I am so twilled with my training wesson today! I dot a bit dirty...horsemanship is HARD work! (Mommy has MORE laundwy to do! She sure washes a lot of cwothes wif all us babies awound!)

Tank you for shawing in my stowy wif me! Mommy, Daddy and I enjoyed bwinging it to you. It was a wot of fun...but I is exhausted! I tink I wiwl take me a widdle towboy nap~
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