She is sweet and sleeping~a real cuddle bug!
I don't recommend reborning already AA babies~it's very difficult to get the correct color~especially in the hands and feet. But overall, they are very nice little babies.
And here is the little 8" all vinyl Berenguer Lot's to Love baby. She is now Latino and oh so cute!
No name for her yet either.
I even had enough time yesterday to try a new outfit on my little Angie. The outfit came in the mail and is just SO cute! It fits Angie just right too. I did not order it for her but it might stay with her! ***UPDATE*** It IS staying with her and I also ordered a set for her brother! Just LOVE it!

Today I will continue painting the AA and Bi-racial babies. This is going to be a long process! I have decided who will be AA and who will be BR though. The AA is going to be the Cora sculpt by Adrie and will be a boy. The BR is Vienna by Andrea Arcello and she will be all girl.
I hope your day will be wonderful!