Thursday, May 2, 2024

I AM still HERE!

It has been almost 2 years since I have posted here.  
I am FINE....healthy and happy~I've just had a lot of overwhelming situations that made it hard to focus on any one thing in particular.  
My mind has been scattered as we went through the PLANdemic and all that it entailed, the loss of my Mother, the loss of my Father in Law, the loss of business due to the economy plus the loss of the Artfire Shop where I consistently sold mohair, color guides and DVD's, the shutting down of the website for They Never Grow Up Nursery that I had for 18 years (due to finances), the loss of property for my horses then the gain of property for my horses (and donkey), building fences, taking down fences, moving fences, finding hay in a drought, financing hay that more than doubled in prices (I REFUSE to give up on my horses (and donkey) and sell them!) and oh my.  I am probably missing a whole lot of things.  Oh...a lawsuit filed against me for a statement I made against action taken by our City Council to eliminate our city ran ambulance service...yes, LOTS going on!  

But the Lord has carried me through it all, with grace and love.

I am still working exclusively with Lilianne Breedveld on her incredible full body silicone dolls.
Due to the poor sales in the industry (and countless fraudsters out there) you can say that I am semi-retired in this industry.   I manage the rest of life while I wait for the next silicone prototype from Lilianne.  
The one above was the last one, sweet Fender.  He is sold.  The next one is due in about 8 weeks.  
Her name is Zinzie, and this is the clay sculpt.

So know that I AM still HERE...for over 19 years as of February and I am HERE for YOU.
Let me know if you need anything 💗

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