
Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Welcome Emilia, you are going home!

Baby Emilia (the Spanish form of Emily) is "born"!

She will be going home to her artist "mom", Silvia Ezquerra in Spain.

It was my absolute honor to reborn a classic Welcome Home Emily.

Enjoy her pictures!

I am so content



  1. She is too precious! Her new mommy must be so proud (I bet you are too :D).

    1. Thank you Halo!
      Yes, we are and we are both so anxious for Emilia to arrive in Spain!

    2. Hi Debbie, what a wonderful job! She is just beautiful! I love her mommy Sylvia's work as well and feel you are both artists I like to study! So, big question, is this doll done in GHSP or is this masterpiece done with air dry paints? Thanks for time, most appreciated! Blessings to you Debbie

    3. Hello Ronda! Awww, you are so sweet, thank you!
      Wow, did I really leave that BIG important detail out?? I sure did!
      Baby Emilia is completely painted with Baby FX air dry paints, powders and matte sealers! I am quite thrilled about that :) It used to be that Ashton Drake dolls couldn't be painted with air dry paints unless they were first coated in Genesis Matte Varnish which is how I came up with the technique that I used for years with my air dry paints. But Baby FX (not to be confused with the new ReBorn FX) solved that problem for me!
      The "Beach Baby" that I am working on now will also be completely painted with Baby FX products. I have other Ashton Drakes in my stash that I hope to get painted someday with Baby FX.

    4. Thank you so much for your response and clarifying that Debbie! I'm just getting started in reborn art and was attracted to the idea of air dry paints over oil based from the start,(mostly because of allergies) and have really been trying to study the differences. Your work and maybe one or two others have been the only examples of what I consider realistic application and having a beautiful outcome with air dry paints. So in a community that seems to be dominated by heat set oil based paint users, I'm really looking for examples and role models such as yourself to see that just as beautiful an outcome can be had with proper understanding of certain mediums and or the way certain air dry paints behave and how to work with them. So again I thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience. I plan on ordering your tutorial as well, but glad you have at least a few basic ones on your blog and YouTube! Blessings, Ronda :)

  2. Messages like this spur me on and give me great joy in knowing that I am helpful to others, so thank you Ronda. Please let me know if I can help you more and I will be watching for your order.
    God bless!
