
Friday, March 17, 2017

Another Ashton Drake doll? "Beach Baby"!

Before I finished Emilia/Emily, I was commissioned to do a custom portrait doll.
Wait...a custom???  Yes.  I DO accept custom portrait orders :)

The woman who ordered had already found a good match for her baby girl in the Ashton Drake sculpt "Tyler" by Sandi Faber.  

Here he is as a reborn I did in 2008:

BUT, I could not find a "Tyler" ANYWHERE!  
I searched the world over to no avail.

And then a good match would have been Maisie by Andrea Arcello, but that kit is sold out as well.

The customer also liked a Berenguer doll, "Beautiful Embrace" that I made into a doll for my personal collection that I called Abi.

And we were almost ready to settle on "Beautiful Embrace" until I saw this Ashton Drake doll,
"Beach Baby".

She really is a great manufactured doll on a full torso with a cloth body!

I now have her stripped down, ready to be turned into the baby in the picture below the stripped down doll:

We are not going to use the torso so I will put her on a bit larger body making her more proportioned and closer to the real baby's size.

Let the fun begin!


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