
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Refreshment in the midst of gruel.

Processing mohair is labor intensive and very hard on my body...and sometimes my mind!

Over the last couple of days, a few of my customers have shared some of their dolls that they have used my mohair on.  

What a breath of fresh air!  

I decided to share the pictures with you today...because I am up to my eye balls in mohair, dust, dirt and well, goat poop so, I have nothing else to share!

This precious Knox by Laura Lee Eagles was created by Shelby Lynn of Shelby Hughes Reborns.  
She used a clipping of hair from a goat named Chunky that I no longer have clips from  :(  


I personally own one of Shelby's dolls in my own collection. I've known this young gal since she was 11 years old.  She has blossomed into a beautiful young...and now married woman and is an exceptional artist.  

This darling boy was created by Elizabeth Kless Luckman using one of my signature red colors.
I don't remember which clipping she bought but I am guessing this is Apple's 2nd clip hair.
I WILL have some of this hair available for sale when the processing is all done.  
I sortof love this baby!

And this little sweetie was made by Jean Ruth Campbell.  
Jean has been a mohair customer of mine for a very long time.

She loved this clipping of hair (I don't remember who it was from and she didn't say) especially because it laid down flat and didn't need a comb or brush to keep it neat: nice to see that people are happy with my product amidst the drudgery of processing it.

I can now move forward with a fresh breath!

Thank you all SO much!  
(Ps, I will have a good measure of mohair available for sale when it's all done sometime around the end of the month.)


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