
Thursday, March 19, 2015

A little personal collection time!

The dolly house progress is pretty slow.  
Our son needs the space where the nursery is in our old house, where we left almost all of my personal dolls.

Last night, I was finally able bring the dolls over to our new home.

Now, MOST will remain in boxes and totes but there were a few that I HAD to unpack last night and add to what I already had on display in the studio.

I could not leave my antique dolls packed.  I was too worried about them.

The tall girl is a 1919 JD Kestner doll given to me by a dear collector of mine:

The baby in the carriage is also a JD Kestner doll from 1910, given by the same collector:
I bought that carriage at the Sauder Village show in Ohio last August and had it shipped home.  It cost me a FORTUNE!  It is so perfect for this baby.

The other little one I had to unpack was my very special Marine boy who my very special Marine boy son gave to me during one of his deployments:

I will treasure them both, always :)

I did a little re-arranging of babies that were already there and stored some furniture for later use in the Dolly House.
It was just fun playing and relaxing a bit and it feels SUPER good to have my dolls "home".  
 I truly love the space I have in the studio to display some of my dolls. 

Today is our Friday so I'll be off working in the dolly house as well as hopefully moving all of my personal nursery things that are left in the old nursery to a new storage area so that the room may be used by our son.  Everything is packed up and torn down (cribs, changing table etc) and ready to move.  

Have a good weekending and weekend!


  1. That is a beautiful collection, how long have you been doing it?

    1. Hello Kaitlyn,
      I have been collecting for about 12 1/2 years. I had dreamed of collecting since I was 14.
      This is just a small section of my collection. Most are in storage until I finish the inside of the Dolly House that we moved onto our new property. Our new home didn't provide a large enough available room for my collection so we took action to provide for them. Search "Dolly House" on this blog to read a bit about it. :)
      Thanks for popping in! (You can also search "Personal Collection" on the blog as well to see more of my dolls.)

  2. I love your collection,such wonderful dolls. I have a Marne son too :) Blessings

    1. Thank you Shelley. God's blessings and my thanks to your son!

  3. Wow that is a great collection, I love antique dolls, they are so beautifully made and cute. Are you a mom of only one then?

    1. Thank you!
      I have two antique dolls. A baby by JD Kestner from 1910 and the tall girl doll by JD Kestner from 1019.
      I am drawn more to the life-like baby dolls but a dear friend and customer gave these two to me and I ADORE them.

  4. Oh that is awesome! That is pretty far back, 1910, wow! Sorry I haven't responded to your comment above, I thought it hadn't posted my comment, so that is why I posted again without responding. But thank you for commenting back and that is awesome that you are fulfilling your dream that you had since you were 14!

    1. I have my settings to where I have to approve all comments as it cuts back on ugly things being freely posted. We don't need uglies in our world!
      I was raised in a poor family so having this dream come true is...amazing. And to have the massive blessing of putting a dolly house in the back yard for my collection was never part of the dream and...I don't even have words for that!

  5. That is so cool! Seriously, having a whole dolly house for just dolls!

    1. So do you have children of your own too?

    2. Yes, I have 5 lovely children who are all adults. 2 are my biological children and three are step children, but I see them all as my own~I only clarify once in a while that they are my step kids.
      These 5 have given us soon to be 8 beautiful grandchildren who I love immensely! Being a grandma is...amazing!
      My oldest granddaughter is a doll collector as well and she has created two reborns under my supervision. (There are posts on this blog of her making her dolls.) She's a natural! The other grandbabies show interest in the dolls as well.

  6. That is really cool, good for you for loving them all the same too, that is really cool. Your grandchildren are so lucky! Like you said I bet they just LOVE having a grandma who is into dolls! My Mom is the grandmas of three now and like you said, she loves it!
