
Friday, August 16, 2013

Sharing my collection Friday~New silicone to reborn...for ME!

Just after the Down East Doll Show I jumped on the opportunity to purchase a 
silicone doll that Jorja Pigott (from Pigott's Playpen) had decided to sell.

Jorja intended to reborn the doll that was created by Nellie Beardslee
who is Bonnie Chyle's sister  :)

These are Jorja's pictures that she took to advertise the doll that she prepped for reborning by taking her apart, stripping her paint off and removing her hair.

 This picture is the original silicone doll as Nellie created it (before Jorja took her apart):

 And I believe that this is am image of the OOAK sculpt before she was produced into silicone
which is the picture on the COA:
I am so very excited and honored to have this doll join my collection.  
I love Bonnie's dolls and to have a very limited doll of Nellie's 
(Bonnie's sister) just thrills me to no end.

Nellie commented on my post that I wrote when Bonnie had left this world.  
That touched my heart so much.  Nellie herself is a charming and warm person.
I am THE luckiest girl!

And my quite big Nellie Rose just may find herself to be a darling BOY when I finally get to reborning him.



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