
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Back to work...did you miss me?!?!

The 10 days that we took off just flew by!
But I'm ready to be back to work and to attempt to get ready for the 
that is this Saturday, August 31st.

The first task at hand...finishing this big toddler head!

Here are just a few pictures from our wonderful camping trip.
We celebrated Yuumei's FIRST birthday!
(Hahahahaha...always have more fun than should be legal!!)

I took this picture at home on the actual date of her birth...
But we waited until our son and his girlfriend visited us at camp to light the candle and enjoy the cake.

"I will help you blow it out Yuumei!"
Look at her tongue!  She is ready for cake!  LOL
 Yummei was excited to learn that she had horses!  
(from inside our little camp trailer)
 5 year old Ruger and I out on the trail taking a break.  
 We brought three horses so I switched off between my 5 year old, Ruger, and my 31 yr old, Toby.
Here Toby and I took a picture of husband, Calvin, on his 8 yr old horse, Scout.
 We saw elk in the woods  :)
 Riding Ruger.
 I love the mornings in camp, especially when the horses come to visit...
 Grandson Jarrod came to visit.  
He says, "I wuv my gwampa".
He is 6 months old already!

 He got to meet and "ride" Toby for the first time!

 And he thought Ruger was really cool.
 Fun times!
Now...back to work!

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