
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Nicky Jack has hair!

Please forgive the terrible pictures...the Cannon and I had a fight and so far, it has won but I'll change that before I do his "real" photo shoot.

Prototype Nicky Jack finally has hair! I rooted him with some of the finest mohair I have, and it just took forever!

He won't be on eBay until next week as his custom made outfit WAS lost in the mail. They found Florida...and returned it to my seller. As soon as she gets it back, she will send it on to me. Poor baby...guess I will just have to love on him until then.

Nicky Jack is still available for pre-order from Nikki Britt.

Today I will start on the new prototype Dimples by Melissa Palesse and last night, I was able to root a little bit on Robyn/Nicky Gwin.

All is well at TNGUN!


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