
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Impromptu posing=Photo opportunity

I love it when this happens. The other night, as I was changing my dolls into Christmas attire, I had to move Little Miss Tamara, on the right in the pink hat, out of the way. I plopped her into the crib next to Becca and this is how they posed:
Becca took immediate interest in the little horse that Tamara was plopped down with which created a wonderful photography moment.

And I didn't have to do a thing! Love it!

Of course, those two are not changed yet....Tamara is going to stay in her Cowgirl outfit as one of her Auntie's is coming to visit this weekend and Auntie will love seeing her in her Cowgirl flair but here is a wee little peek of some of the babies that are ready:

It's never too early to say...

Merry Christmas!

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