
Monday, September 13, 2010

Not much to blog about today

I've been working on Noo Noo by Romie Strydom and finally finished rooting her head last night. I'll apply her lashes, gloss and put her together later today. She is for EXPO.

While I wait for her glosses to dry, I'll start painting a 10" mini for EXPO.

I've much to do in the next 14 days. The kits and paints are here for my class so I need to wash all those kits and open the nostrils. I have 6 ladies taking my class :)

Once I get all the kits washed and dry, I can box up all the class items and send them to my hotel in North Carolina. That will be a relief. Then I can focus more on finishing the babies and packing my suitcases. I'll be taking the babies on the plane with me....eeek! Always a little bit insecure about that but with only one stop and a short layover, it should be okay.

I combed out some mohair yesterday and will get the colored before I pack it all up too. I won't have much available which is sad but I've just run out of time. Speaking of time, I won't be able to make one baby that I really wanted to take to EXPO...I simply have run out of time.

Hugs for Monday!

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