
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fall mohair purchase

What a lovely trip to the Angora Goat Farm we had on Friday evening.
I didn't take any pictures though! We did mingle with the goats in the barn yard, I just didn't get my camera out of the car before we headed out there.

I purchased just 16 pounds of hair (yearling and the adult hair from Lucy), however, the baby kids are not shorn yet and I've selected the kids that I want the hair from. Hopefully I will be able to get 8 pounds of kid hair after that sheering but it depends on how many kids come back from the Flock and Fleece show later this month.

Those baby kids are just so funny! They romped and frolicked with each other in the barn yard. I got to pat Lucy~the old goat who has the most amazing hair! She's thrown good hair all of her life and many of the kid and yearling clips that I buy are from her offspring. Lucy's mother is Lil who started the whole amazing hair thing. Lil will be retired this year...she is 14 now and getting to old to breed. Her kids are always amazing too, of course! In fact, I am currently rooting with kid hair from one of Lil's offspring and will be combing some out today that I'll process and take to EXPO to sell from my table. The doll I am rooting will be on the show table so customers can see and feel how that hair roots first hand.

15 days until I leave for EXPO!

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