
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Uh Oh! Paint from baby bottle got on Rory!

I had sweet little Rory posed in his crib with this bottle resting on his leg.

I went to change him the other day and to my dismay, found out that the paint from the bottle got on his leg!

It would not wash off with water so I took just a dab of LDC Cleaning Lotion on the end of a q-tip and tried to keep it just on the bottle paint in fear of removing his coloring.

I managed to do it but he has a little scar now. I don't mind the scar as opposed to removing the coloring on his leg. So weird how this happened. He is painted with Genesis paints.

So I guess we must be careful with ANY painted items that we pose with our dolls.

Have a careful day!



  1. Oh no, I feel terrible! I gave you that bottle! I know that doesn't make it my fault, but I still feel bad. I'm sorry that happened, Debbie! :(

  2. Now don't feel bad Nina. I know you gave it to me but it could have been any of my bottles that would have done this. Reading posts on the doll forums, this has happened before with all different kinds of things from toys to pacifiers to...anything! We simply need to keep things off our babies "skin".
    Hugs to you! Rory, I and the other babies still love the bottle. Hugs!

  3. Oh dear...poor baby! Now he has a boo boo!
