
Monday, July 26, 2010

A custom "Budget" baby is born!

Please welcome Dusty Lee to the world!

She is Denise Pratt/Bountiful Baby "Aubree" sculpt in peach. I love working with the BB peach~hate the pink! HATE IT! (Oh sorry, little outburst there. I have spent 2 full days working with a pink prototype kit just trying to neutralize that pink! Natural skin does not have a pink base, it has a creamy base! ARG!)

Back to Miss Dusty Lee. Her mommy has selected her name and I think it fits her. She has not seen her at all yet since she does not do internet/email.

Dusty Lee will travel home to her mommy on Friday. This is one I get to hand deliver over lunch as she lives in the "city" that we go to for shopping and it's time for shopping again. I love these kind of deliveries!


Kate asked another thought provoking question:

"What makes a sculpt good" and "What makes a sculpt bad"?
GREAT questions (once again)!! I'll address them in a day or so....

Hugs for Monday!

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