
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

It ain't over until the Fat Lady sings~Noah's auction

Lord have mercy!

This has not been fun. Yes, indeed, the second bidder did in fact obligate to purchasing Noah but since I am using eBay's "Unpaid Items Assistant" option, their 8 day for payment policy over rides my 2 day payment policy so the first bidder still does have the option of paying for Noah, in full, by this Friday, saving her from getting a strike. I suspect this might be her final strike as I've heard from other artist who she's done this too AND, she is very adamant about me canceling the transaction, saving her the strike.

I won't do that. This has to stop. Since her manipulation using threat of negative feedback and court action did not work, she then got "ugly" on me and sent a very mean email. It just was not nice and makes me sad that people can be this way. *I* did not bid $2000 on this doll nor did I force her to bid. I did not even know she was interested in this doll. Her bid jumped in there in the last 5 seconds of the auction. just is not over. The other bidder, the second chance buyer, is hanging on tight to see what happens come Friday. ( I still have Noah as the second chance bidder is making payments) I feel so bad for her. I can't believe she even trusts me after all of this back and forth stuff.

Here is the link for the service that eBay now offers to sellers. I like it for one simple reason; if a bad buyer leaves negative feedback to the seller before the assistant takes action, once the case is closed, the negative feedback will be removed from the seller's account (provided that the buyer never does pay). eBay is not great at protecting the sellers (which makes NO sense since WE are the ones that make the money for them through our fees~the buyers do not contribute one dime to eBay's checkbook~well except for buying from us, if they did not buy, we would not have fees so maybe they DO contribute in a round-a-bout way but still!) but finally they have a tiny little contribution to help us out.

~eBay's Unpaid Item Assist~

I highly recommend that any sellers visiting my blog block this bidder in their eBay accounts. I was not going to block her at first but since I have seen her true colors, I will be blocking her. Here are her two current ID's:

She bids from this ID: porkchopsandapplesauce2010
She also has this ID for selling: ilove2travel770

We will be waiting for the Fat Lady to sing!


1 comment:

  1. I hope this all works out in your favor!!
    Best of luck
