
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I didn't think I would feel this way!

Oh my gosh....I am having such a hard time with this! That is my little Love, Giovanni. I bought him at IDEX 2006 straight from Laura Tuzio Ross. He is solid silicone, Artist Proof #2, the Bi-Racial proof. The artist Proof #1 is the Caucasian version of Giovanni. There are only 12-15 of each race of these babies plus the artist proofs, worldwide.

Okay, no, it's not Friday, the day I have been showing off my collection. But today, I am sending Giovanni back to Laura for a repaint. I've loved him too much and his color has rubbed off some. This happens with silicone dolls. No big deal to send him back, right??? WRONG! I had to send Giovanni back to Laura in 2007 after I was doing a picture story with my real live rabbit, Baby, and Baby bit through 3 of Giovanni's fingers. My goodness it was hard to box him up back then! And it's just as hard to do so today. I did not think it would be, but it is! I am shaky. My breathing is labored! HOW ABSURD! It's "just a doll"! But this doll has done this since the time I bought him. I was NOT going to buy him and was standing, waiting to tell Laura that I was not going to after sleeping on it for a night. She was talking to someone else so I was just waiting....and then it happened.....someone picked him up off Laura's table and I simply had a panic attack! And I don't HAVE panic attacks! Good golly! What had come over me??? Well at that moment, I changed my mind! And I rushed into Laura's conversation (HOW RUDE!) to tell her that I would certainly buy him.

What has come over me? I still don't know other than the most adorable, speak-to-my-heart, silicone bi-racial doll baby.

~whaaahhhhhh....I better go get the deed done and get this little man off to Laura~

Oh my gosh...BREATHE!

(if you don't hear from me in a few days, know that I died from too little air! LOL)
Oh and be sure that Giovanni goes down in the grave with me!


  1. He's STUNNING! Why wouldn't you absolutely LOVE him? I completely understand, I don't have any silicones, let alone one so limited and beautiful but I feel that way about my reborns. When I found out that Wanda Monroe of Bushel and a Peck nursery would make me a custom "Rebecca" kit, I nearly keeled over from excitement. Now she's doing my Jayden and I can hardly wait to set eyes on him. It's dreamy! The wait will be well worth it, I'm sure. I adore your Giovanni, he's just perfect. I hope you get him back soon, before you break out in hives or something. LOL!

  2. Okay, I survived Janene! If I don't think about him being gone, I am alright. His sister Carrie Lynne misses him too. Wanda did a Rebecca at Tiny Treasures 2009 that I just LOVED but she belonged to a personal collection of an exhibitor there and was not for sale. Found out later that the exhibitor did sell her (after IDEX) and I've been sad ever since! Congrats on your Wanda babies! I have put my name on the list for the new Huti NoNo in resin~he will be my first full size resin and I simply cannot wait! I ordered a kit of NoNo too. Oh my goodness he is so cute! NoNo will be the first doll in almost a year that I've bought~the wait is going to do me in! Well, when Giovanni comes back it will be like getting a new baby so that is good. Hmmm...might have to find that boy a new baseball theme outfit. Hugs!
