
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Precious Moments: The adoption of a baby boy~

I cannot say enough just how precious my day was the other day as I delivered one of my "babies" to his new "Mommy".

This sweet, adorable, charming and polite young lady has been saving her money for three years to adopt a baby from me.

She put Jeffrey on Layaway in October when she saw him at a show and I was able to hand deliver him to her this last Tuesday. Oh it was PRECIOUS!

We had a wonderful time together with her Mom at a darling little cafe. We shall now be friends...Forever!

Do I worry about one of my babies being in the hands of someone so young? Not with this young lady! Look at her counting his fingers and toes!

I have already heard stories of her becoming very upset when well-meaning ladies want to hold him and then don't hold him with enough care. Tears well up into her big, beautiful eyes and she politely and quietly asks her mother to retrieve Jeffrey to her caring arms.
Nope. Not worried at all. In fact, if I ever need a baby sitter for any of my "babies", I will know just who to call. :)

Mom had to ask to hold baby Jeffrey too....she was allowed a FEW minutes with him and of course she was very careful...every move was being watched by his "mommy!

Moments like these are what my "job" are all about. They are precious and I can't be any more blessed!

(oh and of course it was so much fun to see the reactions of Jeffrey by other guests at the cafe and the cafe staff! Those moments are precious and FUN!)

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Debbie,

    It is so fun being Jeffery's mommy. I took him with me tonight to a concert. One elderly lady asked to hold him. She held him all wrapped up in his snuggly blanket a good 2 minutes before she was surprized that it was not a live baby. Several people asked me for your business card and we didn't have them. We gave out your web address. Hopefully someone will want to adopt also.
