
Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday Funnies! No Rubber Chicken~I found an angel today!

Whew....I don't think Spike influenced my sweet Michael too very much~I am so relieved.

He is back to his angelic self today complete with a halo~LOOK!

He was content to love on a cuddly Teddy Bear.....No naughty rubber chicken needed here..

His little Sissy, Gianna, was upset and he was delighted to sing "If your happy and you know it" to her. (I am not sure it was working for Gianna though!)

Why, the little sweetheart even told Matthew he was sorry about what he said about his bald head and fuzzy horse slippers. Matthew felt so secure then that he took his hat off! He also told him that he was sorry for hitting him on the head with that rubber chicken. He didn't know what came over him and he was glad that he could not find it.

I left him to play by himself in the nursery and then......He saw IT!

And something happened to his halo~


What will happen in next weeks adventure????

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