
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Well, hello Blog!

Do you ever have so much going on that you don't know what you are supposed to even be doing?

Enter the last month or two for me!

There HAS been a lot going on but today, as I watch the snow fall (like much of the rest of our country and especially in the Northwest are doing today), with a pause between doll projects as I wait for silicone pours and manage things undone from the last doll, I have some time to actually do more than pop into my blog for a quick peek.

I am well behind in posting about Vivi, Lilianne Breedveld's latest full body silicone.

Vivi's edition sold out before I even got the prototype done.

It is understandable...this sculpt is TDF!

l loved every part of bringing this beautiful silicone to life!
Here is a video of her once she was complete.  

I really tell that she is a DOLL in this video because just the week prior, one of my favorite videos of Mack was removed because someone reported it as being a minor child, naked.  

I am flattered but annoyed!  

My Vivi prototype is sold.  
My mind had been so boggled that I didn't have the thoughts or energy to announce her Facebook auction here or even put her on my website.

I DID take her to the Portland Doll Show though and showed her off in the lobby to whoever wanted to see her.  Did I get any photos or video of that amazing and spectacular time?  No.  

Such is my I sit here and giggle.  

The important things are done.  
Mom is doing well.
My cat has adjusted to not having her dog around anymore (I allowed her closure with her best friend after he was laid to rest which I think really, REALLY helped her).
We are doing alright too in regard to losing our beloved dog.
My horses are wintering well.
My husband is now off Furlough...for the moment anyway!
Vivi's edition is completely sold out and anyone who decides not to keep their blank will have NO problems selling it!
My prototype Vivi is going to an excellent collector mommy and I can't be more pleased.  
I went to the Portland Doll Show and had a fabulous time with my friends/collectors and artists!
And I brought home another BJD for my collection as well as some other treasures.
AND...after I returned home, I couldn't stop thinking of another BJD I saw there so I contacted the seller and bought her too!  Oh my!  And...Jinny by Nikki Britt arrived home to my house the other day!  Ha...about BJD' can 't collect just ONE as was my original plan!  LOL
I will be starting my first biracial silicone dolls soon.  Just waiting for one of the sculpt to arrive.

Life, although overwhelming and busy IS good, I just 
can't quite get all of my i's dotted and t's crossed.


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