
Thursday, December 28, 2017

Ending of another year

I know that we all say it....
"Wow, this year went by fast".  

But this year REALLY DID!  

And I didn't accomplish much either, that's how fast it went!

My stats for 2017 are as follows:

Silicone dolls brought to life:  4
Vinyl dolls brought to life:  6
Resin dolls brought to life:  1
For a total of 11 dolls made in 2017

Dolls from 2017 that remain:  1

Of course, she COULD sell before the new year hits.
It is Tori that hasn't found her home yet.  

I processed mohair February and in August.

I had a few articles published in the German magazine called "Puppen and Spielzeug".

And beyond that, I am not sure what I did!  :)

I am looking forward to a new year filled with adventure as I continue to adjust with a senior mom to care for.

I wish a happy and prosperous 2018 to you all!


Monday, December 18, 2017

No more prototypes for a while :(

Purdey is going to be my last prototype for a while.

With the daily, hourly and minute-by-minute care that my mom needs, I have decided to take a break from doing any prototypes, vinyl or silicone until she greatly improves (not likely to happen) or passes from this earth...which I hope is not for a long while yet.  

It is a very hard decision for me, especially since Lilianne has already asked me to do her Buddy that is coming up in a couple of months.  Sniff, sniff.

BUT, it is a good one for me as I need to stay healthy and as stress free as possible.  

Now, don't worry, I have many amazing kits and silicones that I will be doing.  I just won't be doing them under a deadline or obligation.  

So I still have my creative outlet, working in the room right next to mom's.  

Life is good!

If you do not hear from me beforehand, please have a very Merry, Merry Christmas!

Love and hugs!

Friday, December 15, 2017

Prototype Purdey found a home for Christmas :)

I can't be any happier with the home that Purdey is going to!  

As much as I love this girl, I know she will be fully loved, cared for and appreciated which makes packing her up today a lot less "painful".  My heart is happy!

Bye bye my sweet little Christmas girl!


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Prototype Purdey is on eBay :)

I did it!!!

I am much later than I anticipated but she's on!

PLEASE take a peek at her auction and even more please..."watch" it on eBay and share it on social media to get this girl in front of viewers so that she can find her forever home and show everyone just how awesome this sculpt by Lilianne Breedveld is.  

Thank you...I fully appreciate your support!

Here are a few more pictures for your viewing pleasure.

I took so many of her....I bought so many clothes for her and had such fun posing her that I could not stop!  I can't put them all here or on eBay but I do have them all (well, most of them) in an album on my Facebook business page and will also put a full slide show on my website.  

I love, love, love this baby!

Friday, December 8, 2017

Prototype Purdey's photo shoot

What a week this ended up being!  
Both my mother and I had been sick with the same virus that has been going around in our town but mom had an underlying problem on top of that...
She has congested heart failure so she cannot tolerate a lot of fluid around her lungs.  Much of her coughing was due to too much fluid around her lungs and the day after I took her to the ER (where she was then admitted to the hospital) her heart decided to go on a little marathon and it was very, very scary there for a while.  
She has recovered (some) and is now at home as of yesterday at lunch time.

Between visits to the hospital and tasks that just go with the natural flow of having a loved on in the hospital, I was able to take Purdey's photos!

I have them all auction ready now but my hosting site is giving me fits to get them loaded in there so that I can load them onto my template for eBay.  I SO want to get her auction up before days end today but the cards are not stacking well for me at the moment.  

(Remember how eBay changed how the HTML codes are to be entered and Photobucket monopolized on the situation by taking their user fees from $25 a year for a Pro account to $399 a year!  I refuse to pay it...and cannot afford to pay it this year, so I had to find another hosting site that will give the codes.  I did but they are not as quick to load as Photobucket was.  BUT...about 1 1/2 years ago Photobucket would not accept my videos so that messed up my auctions too.  Sigh.  So much techie stuff.  I don't like techie stuff.  I just want to make babies!

So while I wait for my second attempt to load photos into, here are a few pictures of Purdey.

I sure do love her!
She has so many different looks!  Poses, clothing colors and lighting change her so much!

(Lilianne Breedveld tells me that there are only 2 blank full-body silicones left of her edition.)

I hope you all love my version of Lilianne Breedveld's Purdey prototype!


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Prototype Purdey~hair in progress

How would you like a little peek of Purdey today?
Her custom outfits arrived and I could not resist but to play!
She is shown in just one of her outfits and hand made elephant toy...SO cute and well made by Laurie Duncan of Fancy Pants and Flounces.

I hope to have her hair rooted by bedtime tonight.  I will then put her away for the holiday weekend.
Come Monday, I will do some more matting on her forehead bring in the fine hairs around her face, then she will need her eyes set and brows and lashes along with final glosses.  

Artists, at last count, there were just 3 blank Purdey's available.  She's a GREAT FBS baby...don't miss out on her!
Contact Lilianne Breedveld~Deres for a blank kit of Purdey.

My goal for this prototype of Purdey is to have her on eBay the first week of December (probably around the 6th or so by the time I do photography, video and listing).

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Poke, poke, poke...

Just a quick update on the progress of Purdey...

I believe I finally have all of her body matted and her nails glossed (one final look will tell me that this morning) and I am making progress on her hair.  

It is always so hard at first, to fall in love with the hair and style
"is it thin it thick it too it too the hair line right...???" 

but I am finally there!

She is so, so cute!! 

There is much head left to root but I am able to relax now and just enjoy the journey.

Have a wonderful week!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

First holiday photo shoot!

I feel SO ahead of the game having done my first snowy/Christmas holiday photo shoot.

It's a re-shoot on the mini FBS Tiny Tally as if you remember, my camera lens was broke at the time.
She is 5 inches long with a FULL body/arm/let armature so she's super poseable!  

I don't know if I did a whole lot better this time around but overall, I captured her better than the first time.  It is hard to photograph these teeny ones with a ginormous camera and lens!

This next picture to me looks like a classic newborn portrait :)

This baby is just so sweet and much more nicely done than her photos show.  

I hope she finds her forever mommy soon!

She's $600 plus actual shipping.

She will come with all of the tiny outfits and accessories shown and the sweet teddy bear blanket, a COA from Sherri Williams and my own custom birth certificate.  


Monday, November 6, 2017

A Purdey little peek!

Purdey's head is ready for hair!
(And I actually began rooting last night after I took these pictures)

Eeekkk...this first one makes my heart go pitter patter!   

I hope to have her body completed in a few days.  
Obviously it takes longer to do the body since I can only work on one side at a time whereas I can do a layer on the entire head before setting it down.  

Ps...Mama is doing well  :)