
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Prototype Purdey is on eBay :)

I did it!!!

I am much later than I anticipated but she's on!

PLEASE take a peek at her auction and even more please..."watch" it on eBay and share it on social media to get this girl in front of viewers so that she can find her forever home and show everyone just how awesome this sculpt by Lilianne Breedveld is.  

Thank you...I fully appreciate your support!

Here are a few more pictures for your viewing pleasure.

I took so many of her....I bought so many clothes for her and had such fun posing her that I could not stop!  I can't put them all here or on eBay but I do have them all (well, most of them) in an album on my Facebook business page and will also put a full slide show on my website.  

I love, love, love this baby!

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