
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Portrait Alanna progress

I haven't gotten very far with baby Alanna yet as I had to start her skin tone over.

This vinyl requires more binders than the Emily sculpt as it sucked up the paint from last Thursday.

I started over (I had no need to strip her) and added more Sure Bond to my Baby FX paints.

So far, this baby is pretty matte, which pleases me.

Here is the real Alanna:

The doll as it came out of the box:

The doll stripped down:

And at the end of yesterday as I have begun work on her:

I will be back in the studio today working on this chubby sweetheart!

Oh, I think that I have failed to say that the advertisement for this doll stated that she is 18 inches long.  When she arrived here, she was 21 inches.  On the new body I have chosen for her, she is 22 1/2 inches long, which is much better for the portrait baby.  Yay!

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