
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Baby Alanna is matted!

After softening her nose and lips a bit I was able to matte baby Alanna!

This is the picture that I used mostly for color tone:

As you see, my photos were challenging!  
I had a few of them in front of me while I painted, just to refer back and forth to them to create the tone that best resembled the real Alanna.

Here she is matted and with a sprig of one of the colors of hair I will use on her.  
(Since I do not have very good hair pictures, I am going off the description that her mom tells me that her hair color was:  brown, red, blonde.

I forgot to finish her nails so I will be doing that this morning along with some final touches on her matte.  

This head is SUPER HARD but heating it softens it, so that that is what I will be doing:  heating the head to root it.  

Sweet, chunky girl! 

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