
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

So, so busy!

Just popping in this morning, without pictures, to tell you that the little Berenguer doll is finished and OH SO CUTE!

My friend and her to-be-6 yr old granddaughter (tomorrow she turns 6) will be here this afternoon to share joy in the Dolly House and receive her gift!

I've been frantically getting the dolls in the Dolly House out of their Christmas clothing and did get the job finished last night.  

The Berenguer baby, named Olivia, is all bundled up and waiting in a gift-wrapped box in the Dolly House.  

Oh....we are so excited!  

We will be taking lots of pictures so be ready tomorrow!  

On a side note, I have begun the matting process on full size Emily.  
I have an appointment this morning but will matte her again before my friends arrive.  

On another side note:
My weekends have been and are going to be consumed with my other house project.  

THIS beautiful nursery room is going to be for sale...and I'll throw in the rest of the 3 bedroom house with it!  :)  DOLLS and FURNITURE NOT INCLUDED!  Tehehehehe

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