
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Tuck-me-in baby for Jack

My grandson Jack is turning 3 next week.  
Jack has the sweetest little heart and enjoys tucking random things into bed.  
Things such as toy cars and potatoes that he borrowed from the kitchen.
We thought it might be time for him to have a baby doll to tuck into bed.
He may or may not like tucking a doll in.  He may just continue to prefer to tuck in random things.
We will see!

Here is the 16 inch Berenguer doll that I enhanced to look a bit more real for Jack.  
I added some paint, changed his eyes, opened his nostrils (probably a mistake)  and gave his body just a tiny bit more weight.  

The doll ended up looking a little like Jack!

Original doll:

Enhanced doll:

Original doll:

Enhanced doll:

I just can't wait to give this baby to Jack!

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