
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Please welcome 10" FBS Sage by Sherri Williams

What a delightful little carrot top lass she is,
but even more glorious in the stunning outfits made for her by 

Cyndi sells her beautiful work via her 

and her clothes fit perfectly!
She is an exceptional seamstress~wow!

Please meet 10 inch Sage who will find her way to eBay this evening

Outfit #1 is an eyelet romper with ribbons, bow and rosettes.
It has puffed sleeves making it sweet and feminine.  
The coordinating booties are exceptional!

Outfit #2 is a stunning silk and lace gown, bonnet and bootie set.
Words cannot express how beautiful this dress is!
Again is has puffed sleeves, ribbons, bows, rosettes and beads!

Sage has a ball-jointed neck/head, armatures in her arms and I have opened her mouth.
Gaaa, that pucker lip of hers just makes my heart go bippity bump!  

I'll post her eBay link when I've got it live.

I'll be taking Thursday through Sunday off for a special Spring Break event with our wild mustang, Norm and then to celebrate our Risen Lord with my visiting family.  


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