
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Busy, busy, BUSY!

But the studio feels a little less crowded today!

I have had several projects in the works and I finally completed some!

This big girl, Alasia by Lorna Miller Sands came back to me for  some warranty work.
I stand behind my dolls under normal collectors use.  There was a period of time in 2013 when I made her that I had the mixture wrong on my paints.  I've had to touch up 3 of the dolls from that time.  Rou Ling, as I named her, is now refreshed and on her way home to her mommy:

This next baby is not done but I DID get his head sanded!
This is a Berenguer doll that had the molded hair lines.  
This doll will be made for the Cribs for Kids program in my town. all-time favorite face.

This little girl finally got her hair glued on in the evenings in my free time. 
I call her Lahne.
She is one of the early 2000 Lilianne Breedveld OOAKs that I recolored with Baby FX Powders.
I've taken her out to the Dolly House but she'll come back into the studio when her new body arrives.  
I just couldn't make this body work for her!

 And THIS little guy found his home on eBay last night and is shipping home to Australia to join his sibling, Jazz!

Have a safe trip Stewart!

I have three sculpts on the painting table right now.  

Till by Linde Scherer as a custom order I took a  LONG LONG time ago,
the Berenguer baby in the pictures above and an Angelica that I am making for me.  

I plan on rooting another silicone in the evenings here soon.  

I DO have job security!  :)  

And I am blessed. 

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