
Sunday, February 7, 2016

Baby FX Powders used to recolor 2 OOAKs

One evening a few weeks ago I headed into the studio to reweight two
Lilianne Breedveld clay OOAK dolls that I bought in October for my personal collection.

As I began to take them apart, I remembered that I also wanted to recolor them.

Not at all having the time to do a full repaint with air dry paints, I decided to try my hand at the new Baby FX powders that had been sitting on my painting table since December!

This is what my two early 2000 clay dolls looked like before I began my work:

Lilianne nor any of the previous owners of the doll on the left could not remember her name, so I named her Lahne.

The other one keeps her original name of Dahne.



I ONLY used the Baby FX Powders and the Sure Bond sealer plus my matte formula using Baby FX products.  



Lahne's clear cap mohair wig did not make it through the process so I will be gluing hair onto her clay head in my spare time.

Here's a close look at the two of them repainted:  


 The capillaries in her cheek were from her original paint.  Her lashes are original as well.
 All of her nail tips are original but I enhanced the color of her nails and glossed them with Baby FX Subtle Shine gloss.

 Even her lips are colored with Baby FX Powders!

 I am happy that I took the time to recolor her!
And the time was very minimal compared to a full repaint job.

Lahne: this picture she looks like a gangster!  
I ended up re-using her original body as I didn't have another one in stock that I liked for her.  I have her shoulders a little too stuffed so I will fix that when I get her hair done.  I also want to whiten her teeth a bit more as I smeared my pinks onto her teeth.  

 Again, all of her nail tips are original. 

 I LOVE LOVE LOVE the deep creases color!

 Lahne got new eyelashes.

 Poor kid.  I finally got all of my babies clothes put out into the Dolly House but they were still out of order and everywhere so I grabbed what I thought would fit her and failed!

Now the two girls together:

This week I will be starting 2 vinyl dolls using Baby FX Air Dry Paints and Powders.

I can't wait!  Using the Powders was a new and exciting experience for me. 
Coloring a doll can be endless with these!  It was really fun!
One of the dolls I will be making is a 5 year old child doll, Angelica, for my own personal collection.  This way I can watch the durability of the Powders but I have not one hesitation that they will either fade or flake.  Not one.  

Have a glorious day!


  1. Awwww, they look too cute! Splendid job Debbie!

  2. They look wonderful. I can not wait to try the powders.
