
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Progress on the Dolly House....DONE!!!!

I have not done a good job keeping the blog updated with the Dolly House progress but I am more than thrilled to announce that it is FINISHED!

Let me give you a little before and after tour...

I began researching the purchase of the Dolly House in November of 2014.  
On December 8, 2014, I ordered the house from the builders.

They nearly had it done by Christmas but with illnesses of their roofer and unstable weather/ground thaw, the delivery could not take place until January 15, 2015.

Here it is the day they brought the building:

They came back later to level the house up on blocks and tie it down all to the inspectors specifications.  Here is is the day it passed inspection:

It took me months to get the skirting  and brick work up and all of the gravel moved back around the building and the ditches for the underground electrical wiring finished.  
I could not be happier with how it turned out though  :)  

The inside of the building on January 15, 2015:

The bay then.....

The bay as of December 7, 2015:

The back then....

The back now....

The long wall then....

The long wall now...

The entry area then....

The entry area now...

It has been a journey!  

Now for window treatments and moving in.  
I think I need a rest first  :)

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