
Thursday, October 22, 2015

I have been so anxious to tell you....JAZZ PROTOTYPE!


I have kept this little secret under my hat for over a month now....

Lilianne Breedveld has asked ME to do her Jazz prototype!

This is the first one from the mold in silicone, poured my Claire Taylor, my favorite silicone pourer.  

As you see, he is a full body silicone BOY with a jointed head!

I find this sculpt to be absolutely perfect in every way....
But I have opted to make him even better by spending an additional $500 on this sculpt to have full armatures in his arms....from his wrists all the way up to his shoulders!

Oh think of the posing possibilities! 

Now, I don't have Jazz yet but I expect him in the next 2 weeks.  

Isn't he just amazing???


  1. Great photo! That is a wonderful mold! I always fell in love with silicone molds! I have a question Debbie, I was wondering if you can reborn a baby doll with just normal acrylic paint from the craft store. I've seen you paint a baby using acrylic paints, but your using a special kind of paint. If it is possible to paint it with just normal acrylic paint, would I have to add anything to it?

    1. Hello Halo,
      Thank you....That picture was taken by Claire Taylor. I'll add my own pictures when Jazz arrives to my studio. I think he will be amazing!
      No, please do not use standard acrylic paints from the craft stores on vinyl dolls. They simply were not created for vinyl dolls and their longevity is very poor. They crack, turn orange and fade. It is the use of craft store paints that gave air dry paints a bad name. It has taken a long time to show people that air dry paints that were created for vinyl dolls are indeed very good as their memory only fell to the history of the craft store paints. The air dry paints created for vinyl dolls have different binding agents in them and are proven to last. I am glad you asked this important question!

  2. Thanks so much! I just could not find this answer on the internet for some reason and this helps a lot!
    Thanks so much
