
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Baby FX feedback

The feedback for the Baby FX air dry paints has been awesome!

One of my students who was SO skeptical about using these air dry paints posted on Facebook yesterday that she is putting her Genesis paints away and going strictly with Baby FX.

She was SURE she would not like ANY air dry paints but she gave them a chance and loves them.

I don't believe the other students have picked up a brush since returning home but they all said they would be switching to Baby FX.

One of my long time reborning friends has tried other air dry paints and was skeptical again as she just didn't like the others.  But, she had faith and tried the Baby FX.  She told me that although she won't be getting rid of her Genesis paints, she IS putting them away  :)  

She is having a ball painting with Baby FX.

Yesterday this young artist started on her third doll, switching to the Baby FX for the first time.

She is enjoying the paints as well and is just following my color guide for Baby FX.

She is my granddaughter, Jena and she amazes me!  
She remembers all that I taught her when she made her first and second dolls and she is just over there working away while I work on my Ethnic Baby FX doll.  

I seriously LOVE these paints!


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