
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Sneak Peek at the doll show babies!

Hi everyone!
Did you miss me???
I sure missed posting but I just didn't have anything to share and my mind was fully wrapped around all of the tasks of getting ready for the ROSE show and my class.

Most of my class supplies are enroute to Denver as I type thanks to my good friend, Sally Snyder who stopped by for an overnight visit on Monday night on her way to Denver.  
She allowed me to consume the nooks and crannies of her car to send bulky and heavy things with her.  Awesome!

From my collector side and my love of baby dolls, she brought with her a full body silicone 
Mirelle by Joanna Kazmierczak.  I failed to take pictures (that day was overwhelming for me and I completely lost my brains by the time Sally arrived) but oh my word....that doll is
amazingly perfect!  You just cannot think that it's not a real baby!

No worries, Mirelle is going to Denver with Sally and we have a couple of days to play before the show so there will be a lot of pictures!  

Okay, about MY babies!

Here is your peak...

Do you still love me??

Oh okay, here is one more...
If you click on that one to bring it to full size, you will see the capillaries that I created with the Baby FX capillaries kit.  That was my first attempt.  The next one will be better and I'm excited about that!

I did get my camera back just on Monday from the Canon service center.  
My camera checks out perfectly and they tell me that is it a resizing issue, which I had come to realize when I used a different camera and had the same problem.

These pictures are not as bad but they are not with perfect clarity either.  

You see, when I first began having problems with my computer, the Apple experts told me to clear off everything from my computer and reload it with my back up file.  

I believe that when I did that, my Photoshop Elements program was disrupted and how I did things before with it no longer worked the same way.

I am resized these pictures to a larger size than I had for 9+ years which helped but they still do not have the clarity I expect.  I'll get there.  (I take my pictures in a raw setting at a size over 3880.  That size allows for original clarity but is too big to view for most viewers hence the need to resize.)

I WILL figure this out...probably about the time that I am able to replace this computer and it's programs!  LOL

Denver Rose:
I did her photo shoot yesterday and will be setting up her auction today.  
Oh my goodness, she is so sweet!
The auction will run from Tuesday morning July 14 (the morning my class starts and her official release) through hopefully Sunday morning July 19th.  It all depends on what eBay allows me to do.  This way, if someone who is at the show would like to bid and win they can take her home right away on Sunday. 

I hope you all are doing well in this heat.


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