
Sunday, June 7, 2015

Only THREE spaces remain~Make the Switch

Excitement is in the air as we draw closer to the ROSE show!

As of this morning, only 3 spaces remain in this class.
I won't be able to add anyone last minute so please sign up before June 25th, the final deadline.  

There are so many exciting things to share!  

One of the students that signed up ended up not being able to make it due to a surgery.  She has made some door prize gifts to contribute to the class.  Isn't that sweet?!?!?  
Thank you Melissa!  

The Melissa's are blessing us left and right as Melissa George is also sending a complimentary Baby FX product for EACH student!

Marita is offering some awesome door prizes and I am too.  

We are going to have a great time at the 


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