
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Canon customer service A++++++

I called Canon Customer Service USA yesterday and they gave me the BEST customer service I have had in a very long time!

The young man on the other end of the line was polite, spoke English (AMAZING!) and explained everything that I needed to know in a slow and detailed way.  

They have a flat fee for camera repairs, which was reasonable.  

I was told that it sounds like the sensor in my camera has gone bad, according to the symptoms of the camera, and that it is the most expensive item to repair.  Whew.  I feel lucky to have a flat rate fee!

So my SLR camera is off for repairs and should arrive back within 2 weeks.  

My plan is to do the photo shoot and set up the auction for Denver Rose before I leave for Denver so that the auction can start the morning of my Make the Switch to Air Dry Paints class.  

I will be fine now!

Sweet little Tabitha's auction ends tonight.

Her current bidder is legitimate even though at first, after sending several messages and the bidder did not respond, I canceled the bid.  The bidder finally responded and does have intention of purchasing her.

Another new bidder contacted me today as asked permission to bid, which I have granted.  

It looks like this sweet little girl will find a home!

I think I will miss her!!!


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