
Sunday, March 8, 2015

Another day off...

I hate not getting back to painting today but with rental equipment in the dolly house that is due back tomorrow at 8 am and insulation that didn't all make it into the eves of the roof, I must work out there today.  

The dollies will have to wait...again.

I will be so glad when this project is done.  It has been very hard work, but I am so proud of what we have accomplished.

Again, I've never done this type of work before.  :)  

And I'll probably be taking Wednesday off too.  Ugh!  It never ends!
Hubby has his annual medical exam in the city and I really, REALLY need to take my Mac laptop over to the Apple store and have them check it out.  I simply cannot do business like this especially when I really get back to doing business.

And taxes.  
Egads.  I have not even started taxes yet.  

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