
Friday, January 30, 2015

Flashback Friday! First reborn kits

Today on FLASHBACK FRIDAY I thought it might be fun to share the first reborn kits I ever worked on.

I began reborning in February of 2005 (that's 10 year anniversary is just around the corner!!).

That first year, I reborned nothing but Berenguer dolls!  
I don't remember if there weren't any reborn kits available then or if I could not yet afford to buy them. 

The second year, in 2006, I reborned just three reborn doll kits.

The first one was Silja by Linde Scherer.
Oh how I LOVED this doll that I named Aubree.
She was completed in March of 2006
She had just 1/4 vinyl limbs

I worked on my second kit in November of 2006.
The kit was Brian by Sebilla Bos.  I LOVE Sebilla's work so was super excited to work on this kit.
I named this doll Afka:

And the only other kit that I did in 2006 was Paisley by Denise Pratt/Bountiful Baby
I made her in December of 2006 and named her Adeline.

I can't remember exactly when I switched from using oil paints to Genesis heat set paints but it almost looks like Aubree was painted with oil paints and the other two with Genesis paints.

What a journey!

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