
Monday, January 26, 2015

Fantastic fun for the week! Motivational Monday

 There has been an artist challenge going on on Facebook the last two weeks where one artist would nominate another artist to share 3 pieces of work for 5 days while nominating another artist each day to do the same. 

My reborning friend, Stacey Haskins loved it all so much that she came up with another idea for exciting posts for a week.

These are her suggestions for posting:

Super Star Sunday - Show off your most famous work, or achievements!
Motivational Monday - Share what motivates you
Transformation Tuesday - share an older piece v/s a newer piece
Working Hard Wednesday - Share a work in progress of whats to come next
Thinking Ahead Thursday - Share a work from an artist who YOU aspire to work with/for in the future
Flashback Friday - Share an older piece of your work
Shine the spotlight Saturday - Show off the spotlight to an artist who inspires you! 

I failed to share  my Super Star Sunday post with you yesterday but I'll share it here this coming Sunday.


One simple answer does not cover this one.

I am motivated by so many things!

My passion for high quality dolls motivates me.

My heart motivates me~I find joy in creating and making others happy.

Just the whole realm of creativity motivates me.

New products and techinques motivate me!
SO MANY other artists motivate me!  
I thought about listing some of them, but that list could go on and on and on, and since it's morning and I write better at night, I would probably fail to leave some very inspirational ones out.  So I'll just say that I am motivated by all of those amazing artists who's passion is to go beyond the "box", to create the best and who's integrity soars under any and all circumstances.

But most of all, the collectors motivate me.  
When I can provide high quality dolls for collectors, and they receive joy from that~it rocks my whole world and being! 

I am honored, truly honored, when a collector chooses MY dolls.  
I feel that I am a part of something gentle, kind, giving and warm.  

That motivates me.   
Their joy motivates me.

What motivates YOU?  


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